For my money, he might be at the top of my list … he had it all: range, power and grit. Loved his work with Blackmores Rainbow, especially the live album. Check out this cover by Lilac, a female cover band
Isn’t one of the Gaugan’s (Mark or Bob) the Bills HOF presenter after Larry Felser’s passing? How many times can you,are the same presentation? At some point, there’s got to be a weaker class that Tasker should make.
Weren’t Aaron Rogers and Brett Favre also dismissive of young understudies? I haven’t heard of any superstar quarterbacks who willingly mentored their replacements. Maybe it’s a trait of the Uber talented and perhaps that’s why the most skilled players don’t get into coaching …
He’s never shown any pass rush moves on the occasions that he blitzes, and he current pattern has been to engage with a blocker at the expense of, you know, going after the guy with the ball so …… no.
He’s an award winning columnist. Hate him if you must, but the man can turn a phrase. Not sure he cares what players think of his abilities. Yeah, he was overall negative during twenty years of drought era football here - shocking.
This may well be Beasleys last season with the Bills, but the disrespect shown him because McKenzie had a good game? Gotta say, plenty of crappy bills fans out there …