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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. They’ve put together a potentially top five receiving corps, and have a decent 1-2 punch at RB. They’re much improved, but as someone who grew up a Bears fan in Chicago, I can’t shake the feeling that the Bears gonna Bear
  2. I recall the old horror film “Last House on the Left” where the promos suggested repeating “it’s only a movie, it’s only a movie” …. I try to take that approach with Bills preseason football.
  3. There’s a whole lot of backups worse than a former first rounder with a playoff appearance under his belt
  4. Bears look improved. Bills look … whatever. It’s preseason. Enjoying the early fall weather, but not ready for the end of summer. Apparently, neither are the Bills.
  5. Chuck was a buffoon , but always entertaining as a radio host … I think the whole “bulletin board” thing is generally overrated in sports. As the other three super bowl losses illustrate, the Bills Achilles heel was robust offensive lines, and that Washington team definitely had that going for them, Dickersons comments or not..
  6. Some areas think big picture, others think small. You can guess which is which.
  7. Perhaps not worthy of Rushmore status, but Sebastian Maniscalco has the physical part of comedy down pat
  8. If Helen Hunt wasn’t there in a white tank top? It didn’t happen 🤪
  9. DJ Moore had 1200 yards with JF not throwing it to him
  10. Have you seen Josh Allen run? I’m thinking a move to RB/FB is in the cards 😂
  11. I’ll always remember Sonny Fixaco … the random camp legs autograph my kids got at camp many years ago 😂
  12. Former ESPN Bills beat reporter and famous Patriot fan … he might have been hated more than Jerry Sullivan, but (insert unpopular opinion), he wasn’t terrible, but the bills were during his tenure.
  13. Sal? NOOOOOOOOOO …he’d spend half the game opining about his adventures with Max, or glorifying his stellar HS and little league coaching career.
  14. For me, there was no finer program than “Monday Night Quarterback” on GR I believe with Felser and Murphy (before Murph was a shill)
  15. I’d have preferred he waited until halftime of game two of the season …
  16. They’re cute … except when they sit on the swim deck of my boat at the marina and relieve themselves. In that instance, I’m all for reducing the duck population. Tried the old owl statue thing to no effect.
  17. The only time I listen to the radio broadcast is when the game starts before I get to/from my intended destination … as such, his hiring doesn’t move the needle either way. What I have heard of him I didn’t much care for, but maybe he’s young and motivated to improve.
  18. Correction: one hot and sunny game every THREE years 😂
  19. Did the season tickets thing for years, but as we all got older, it became a long long long long LONG day and it seemed as if we were always fighting the weather … at this point, my recliner, a house party, or even a bar close to home seem like a better option.
  20. Always struck me that he appeared to lack much of the actual fitness that he preached, but he was successful at helping many incorporate fitness into their routines … RIP
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