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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. Looks like the Bills have the market cornered on oft-injured receivers
  2. somebody PLEASE just drop napalm on ALL of these threads .....
  3. I thought the rap against him was that he had short arms ... those stretching exercises in the off season certainly worked
  4. I hate to bash ... I am sure the OP is gleefully amused with his original and ingenious plan
  5. I will root for him no matter whom the Bachelorette picks
  6. buy the Pepsi ... smuggle airplane bottles of Red Stag in ... problem solved (just my THEORETICAL approach to the issue)
  7. let those who haven't thrown frozen burger patties when drunk cast the first stone ... besides, he probably confused it with a frisbee
  8. I luv headbands ... gimme sum Flo!
  9. I'd be EXTREMELY overjoyed if Tyrod led us to the promised land .... I'd also be extremely overjoyed if (insert hot, rich famous female celebrity here) stopped by my office, offered me sex and a blank check ...
  10. if he keeps his nose clean he could be the Bills future primary RB
  11. sorry ... I was unable to get past "great player" from the OP ... LOL
  12. looks like the game of football AND brodcasting has passed him by ...
  13. he is this generations Roscoe Parrish ....
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