I'd love to curse Barnwells entire lineage, but it seems a well thought out and researched opinion with hard numbers to back up his assertions. I understand the homer crowd will lose their minds over it though
it's entertainment. I know in the present state of things that having a differing opinion is a terrible affront, worthy of banishment, but really ... if ya don't like the guy then DON'T LISTEN. I don't care for MTS (Murph The Shill) so guess what? I don't listen. It's really that simple. I am consistently amused by those who work themselves into a rage over (insert personality/network here) ... you're just hangry - have a Snickers
except he's not new and he has been less than average at every other stop as an OC ... this is not a comment to bash/judge him, just pointing out a fact, which are frequently lacking in these pages
Nothing today sounds like a good quality component system of yesterday, even when we're talking about mainstream brands then (Marantz, Sansui, Dual) ... while .mp3 files have revolutionized taking music with you, they are the bane of audio purists
If you have the time, a Weber kettle will do an awesome job at a reasonable cost. Always been curious about the Green Egg, but not at that cost. Already spent a pretty penny on my Weber Genesis gas grill
Self driving vehicles will be the bane of my existence ... I can see the utility for me on a drive to Florida or something of that nature, but otherwise? NO WAY!