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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. Mills was the definition of mediocre .... but Ford is not, I repeat IS NOT ready to play RT in this league. Put the kid at RG if you must, but stop this maddening rotation at the position
  2. Excellent game assesment .... I just can't get with the folks who say "Well, if Josh didn't get hurt, he would have won that game" ... 'if's" dont get you "W's" ... And the "hit" Yeah, it was dirty but if Josh doesn't learn to slide and protect himself, rather than getting stood up and taking a finishing hit like that, he's gonna be moving on to his post-NFL career sooner than he planned
  3. I have a 32" ............ light bar in my Tacoma grill. Does come in handy trying to spot an address at night on an extremely dark road, or for avoiding deer on a backwoods road at night .... mine is mounted in the grill so it doesn't scream "LOOK AT ME! i'M A HARDCORE OFF ROADER!"
  4. sports writer says something negative: "He's an idiot, screw that ahole" Same writer says something positive: "OMG repost repost, this guy gets IT, he's a damn football savant!" LMAO
  5. she is absolutely smokin' hot ... no I mean it - SMOKING HOT AND CRISPY!
  6. I expect to be a little bit under the influence of adult beverages and forlorn
  7. It's great for the actual game but the concourses are eerily similar to a medieval torture chamber
  8. I'd give a 3rd and toss in a vintage Whammie Weenie AND Kelso's Kazoo helmet cover ... dude is still a top 10 receiver in this league
  9. Hmmm ... a bit soon to be judging careers, but hey, have at it
  10. Eli definitely has had better days, but he is far from the only issue with the G Men ...
  11. absofu**inglutely
  12. when ED is involved ... there ARE no strokes
  13. Wonder what the Tijuana Brass looks like?
  14. funny ... I thought the exact same thing about that epithet
  15. Brissett isn't horrible ... and realistically, what other options did the Colts have? Besides, 15 mil/season isn't at all outrageous in the world of starting NFL quarterbacks. This 'aint your grandpappies NFL anymore
  16. I have seasons and attend one roadie a season, and while I do enjoy the camaraderie of friends and liquid hops, my recliner in front of my 4k is really hard to beat from a viewing and budgetary standpoint on away Sundays
  17. Not a movie, but the series finale of "Six Feet Under", specifically the closing montage ... TV at it's absolute finest
  18. The league makes money on them apparently ... therefore, they will remain a blight on the sporting landscape
  19. I liked him, and he was having an under the radar good camp from what I heard ... think it just became a numbers game, Ryan Bates was more valued for his ability to play all five OL positions, so better to gain one pick overall, rather than release him for nothing
  20. trying to come up with noble endeavors, but I just keep coming back to naked chicks .... sue me
  21. Good for him ... It'll give him something to tell the grandkiddies about when he retires from his career in insurance sales
  22. She doesn't look too "meth-ed out" as of yet, but the smiling mug shot tells me she's no stranger to the arrest process ... I'll go with a soft pass on this one
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