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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. I don’t find throwing beer cans at opposing players a illustration of “amazing fans” but I don’t table jump or puke and pass out either, so I suppose I’m not an amazing fan
  2. Well we’d have fournette to come in and run out the clock! Seriously though, you know had a bill taken Brady out, even if it cost us that game, fans would put him on the WOF
  3. Thinking we might be ready for savvy established vets with a track record of success to push us over the top while your QB is under a rookie contract .... ya know, kind of like signing Diggs over a “young hungry rookie WR”
  4. Amusing that Beane himself has been quoted as saying he’s not looking for choirboys, yet poster after poster seems to think we’d never consider signing Fournette because he’s such a problem .... I guess many have their narrative to push, damn the facts full speed ahead
  5. The Athletic is filled with outstanding sports journalism, Graham Included. Your entitled to your opinion of course, but to not read something because Graham’s name is attached is short sighted.
  6. If Motor did that, bills fans would be losing their minds with “damn, now THATS a team first culture guy”
  7. I’d fall asleep in meetings if I played for Marrone too ...
  8. Just under 1200 yards and 76 receptions last season ... so by versatility you mean he doesn’t carry the gatoraid bucket?
  9. I guess pretty much carrying the offense in their AFC championship year was very disappointing for them....
  10. Titans are a solid team top to bottom. I’m not “scared” either, but they outperformed the bills when it mattered most and they’ve earned a healthy dose of respect.
  11. I’m bored with a lot of things and a llama isn’t going to help ...
  12. Gotta go with the “other” Josh, as many here have said .... I still remember the collective groan at my draft party when the wrong Josh was picked
  13. Perhaps I’m a Luddite, but I refuse to live in fear and I plan to return 100% to pre Covid behavior.
  14. For my money one of the best character actors ever ... he will be missed
  15. He might not be “the best” although he’s definitely in that discussion, however, the last top player to sign usually becomes the highest paid at the position, until the next top guy’s contract is up. Then he becomes the top paid and on and on and on .....
  16. You mean a poster in here would actually attempt to spin a situation to fit a flawed narrative? Say it ain’t so!
  17. Whoa! So Bosch comes out April 17th? Love Titus Welliver in that role.
  18. I guess I prefer a playoff game winning drive over how one carries himself. I have that luxury as a fan.
  19. How about people learn to seek out and absorb the entire quote, rather than pick out a few words and decide “ Yep, that fits my personally biased narrative” ... now THAT would be truly refreshing.
  20. Quite possibly true, and with all due respect for KPeg, that is part of the problem
  21. I actually think TPeg is more passionate about hockey, but unlike the bills, he hasn’t hit on the most important hires. Never heard anything bad about Chris Bandura unless he too went to the Russ Brandon school of behavior. This is a great hockey market - unfortunately the home team has sucked
  22. The article comes across like a piece of fiction peppered with a few facts to give it plausibility. I choose optimism over doomsday scenarios. The virus will change some aspects of life, but at some point in the near future, life will prevail.
  23. I worked at the cable companies head end in those days ... my most important jobs were making sure the Spice channel was scrambled when it came on at 9p and removing snow from all the satellite dishes
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