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Everything posted by YattaOkasan

  1. I was taking it as a general replacement of pieces comment which I can agree with.
  2. Danger Russ and Kirk Cousins (not nearly as many attempts for him though) also have an interesting blend of High On Target and High Air Yards
  3. I have also thought the lack of holding had an larger effect on us than the rest of the league since we never seemed to win with outright 1 on 1 wins so much as collapsing the pocket. Giving a QB anextra 0.5-1 seconds (i have no data on how much longer QBs have now) would really challenge any defense. Bringing an extra guy or doing a creeper pressure would seem necessary to take away that extra time.
  4. I agree thats the most exciting part. This game didnt move the needle much with regards to winning the division but it really showed what we can do when we find our identity. Cautiously optimistic that we have found an identity on defense...
  5. We should know tomorrow with the injury report. I thinking he couldve gone back in but they held him out.
  6. Great point. I was expecting him to have more of a role this year, and have sorta forgotten about him. Maybe if they are settling into a more blitzing/aggressive defense they will use him more.
  7. Think this is the game plan again. Hoping Hyde and Poyer are disguising coverages against him like they did against Wilson.
  8. I totally agree to keep Murray in the pocket and I think youre right that will be similar between the game plans. Its the personnel thats making it tough for me. Ravens are playing with multiple TEs so we what presonnel do we put out there to generate contain (probably nickel), whereas with the Cards we might need to contain with Dime which would be pretty different. But yes agree the need to keep both them of them in the pocket is critical (again I think the Seattle and Texans game plans would have this too).
  9. 100% agree. I keep seeing posters talking about using the Ravens game plan and just dont get it. Maybe someone will tell us why, but yeah agree totally different offenses.
  10. I agree. Why does everyone keep saying get that game plan out? Is it cause that was a really good game plan. I thought last week we had a really good one too.
  11. I have heard the Ravens game referenced a lot and I dont get it. Ravens used their TEs and option game. Cards use the WR in a spread and Murray on the scramble. I see this closer to the Seahawks game than I do the Ravens game (I would say Texans last year more than Ravens too). Can someone elaborate (more than Jackson and Murray are both dynamic) why the Ravens Game plan is needed here ?
  12. I read it a bit wrong. I think that most of that paragraph was talking about the Pats game last week and it tripped me up. Hawks are contenders still imo.
  13. Super bowl contenders 😆 Yeah very delusional Buffalo didn't play particularly well in that win over New England, but it quieted many critics Sunday with a great performance against a legit Super Bowl contender. I think I see now it did mean the Hawks but it was pretty unclear and I read it with the rest of the nonsense
  14. Yeah agree its not much of a concern but maybe a swim or shed of the block if you know its coming. The ball doesnt have heat on it.
  15. It was Gold solo rip (maybe whip) in the Jets game. I was thinking about this yesterday but I think were ok. Its an audible for a Cover 0 blitz. Thats hard to check out of and the throw is going to the WR with a defender playing off coverage it looks like (usually Brown cause youre gonna press beasley) so youre not alerting a guy directly defending the play. Thus, I think we might be ok. My biggest fear would be the press player going to brown and making an impact play (like a pick). Otherwise maybe a rusher or that CB recognizes and makes the play for a small gain only which wouldnt be the end of the world.
  16. So not going to address my points... They are a good to very good pass defense (even without Gilmore). Th teams that have hung 30+ on them did it on the ground (were at least 28 if we can catch one ball). Keep up the crusade to pass more while the data says running was the correct choice.
  17. So only Seattle and San Fran hung 30 on them, and both those teams ran for 150+ yards. They havent given up 300+ yards passing on the year (even to Seattle and KC). Expecting us to be slinging it all over was just not realistic.
  18. The Pats game wasn't exciting enough? I almost had a heart attack. Also to a previous post, do you really think our offense's decision to run the ball almost cost us that game and not the defense's inability to stop them on a pair of drives in the 2nd half?
  19. One of my favorite moments of the season. Josh in the close up because it’s a critical 3rd down and he yells “Gold whip” twice. I’ve been watching close this season and I jumped out of my seat. Told my brother in law that a WR screen was coming and it’s gonna be good. When they went to the wide angle I found Brown right away and then boom sauce. That was a lot of fun.
  20. Gambling was the game plan i think. We knew it was gonna be a shoot out so we stayed aggressive to try and get the TOs (they did too I’ll note). It’s an interesting tactic in a battle with two high powered offenses. I would like to see it again if/when we come across the chiefs again.
  21. Yeah super tough. Just hang around the board near the end of the game and well see what happens. I think its much more likely were in the situation down more than FG (but less than a TD) under a minute and getting the ball.
  22. Cool. What are the stakes then? I am very happy to take this bet.
  23. Probably gonna be lots of Dime anyway, but 5 1 5 works for a nickel. Also Darron Lee is def getting one of the 2 PS call ups this week. They have not been shy about using those guys in games. I suspect we see a lot of Darron Lee this week considering its more pass happy Hawks team (even though they can still run the ball). Being variable could be a sneaky advantage in this game if we dont shoot ourselves in the foot with it.
  24. you think they can score 7 in 45 seconds with no time outs? Are you on the game day thread cause i will happily make that bet.
  25. Not my term but yeah it’s definitely strange. Is there a better term that’s as simple?
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