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Everything posted by kelsay2sackseason

  1. what chip did was pretty dumb, foles, jackson, maclin, mccoy, brown all gone.... all those guys have tremendous talent, idk its just bizarre.
  2. no belief deserves respect, religious or secular. we respect evidence and reason. do you respect the belief of your mechanic or do you want some proof your mechanical issue was fixed? do you respect the belief that the earth goes around the sun, or do you respect the reasons and evidence to support such a belief. do you respect the belief someone is guilty, or should we respect evidence and reasonable argument. again, this is bs. they are just books, the bible/koran/hadith etc
  3. if people are murdered over cartoons and any notion of provocation is brought up, you are simply retarded.... its so unbelievable, if it wasnt islam, they would just be called nuts and end of story... its just amazing to see people pointing fingers at people drawing cartoons
  4. i know its not pc, but this is total bs. she shouldnt be locked up, and i think we just need to come to the realization that sexual development happens much earlier than we realize and some of these laws need to be changed, epsecially with the disparity in justice when the genders are flipped. its not a comfortable conversation, and obviously we dont want children abused, but this bs about 16 yr olds banging older people happened all the time when i was that age. idk, i feel bad for her jmo the oppresion of sex in general in many aspects of our culture, although we have made progress is so tiring. i especially feel bad for girls, any woman who wants to bang and have fun is obviously shamed, why, because some douche isnt getting any and wants to project his anger on women. i cant stand it
  5. 2 afc championship appearences, and tremendous respect from his players. along with two 8-8 teams that should have been 4-12, what in the blue !@#$ are you talking about. god i love buffalo, but you epitomize the type of attitude in that areas. christ
  6. collins will know who really wants him, and trust me he respects rex more as a leader and i think we have the better roster overall along with a chance for him to start right away at g or t. i really think he will pick us
  7. why are you so passive aggressive with sam harris? i mean, whats the deal
  8. this says so much more about islam rather than confrontational people. there is no " what did you think was going to happen" there is no " ya those islamo nuts are crazy but....." i just dont think you " get it"
  9. should he yell louder and louder like sean hannity. we get it bro, youre butthurt because youre probably realizing like i did over a decade ago that religion is bs, nobody knows what happens when you die and the bible is just a book.... get over it
  10. one of the strange things i notice about hardcore activists in school is none of them seem to be having fun, theyre all mad and more pc than some churches
  11. bryce brown isnt going anywhere, his size and speed is rare along with williams
  12. i dont know what im more tired of, liberals saying why instigate? or the religious zealots.... seriously im far left but we have a major major problem with not seeing islam for what it is and the current problem of that ideology clashing with modernity
  13. its hard to turn down hot poon, simple as that.... wars have been started over that ****. js
  14. whitworth has a hot wife who i can guarantee is banging black guys all night when hes not around
  15. im a fuqing animal so yes
  16. either this was planned, and they kept the group intact until the draft is over for efficiency reasons. or..... something so obvious was overlooked in the draft and the owner found out, injury, or something
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