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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Skill positions just off …. like I don’t remember ever seeing.
  2. More likely … better construct.
  3. Touchdown and two safeties?
  4. One of my favorite football quotes, from Bum Phillips, is “he can take his’ n and beat your’n, and your’n and beat his’n.” I’ve read different accounts. One has him talking about Bear Bryant, and the other about Don Shula. Perhaps he said it twice. Being an NFL coach is such a unique job. GMs and scouts find talent and ability and certainly look at character and personality when they assemble teams. Coaches, though, they’re the straw that stirs the drink. The demographics, culture, upbringing, values, education, family situations of the 50 or so men in a locker room can’t be more diverse. You get close in a military unit, perhaps, but even then there are divisions in the natural groups that form. You have enlisted high school kids from one background and an officer corps from another. Comparable. But, a locker room is different. There is no rank among the 50. You have to make them know, like and trust one another and perform at elite levels. No small task. A football team is conjoined “twins” of fifty men sharing so many qualities and all individuals. Coaches are teachers, confidants, mentors, parents and bosses. They’re also lion tamers catching eyes with theirs in a no nonsense glare, demanding a behavior with a glance, before moving to the next restless and dangerous beautiful specimen. Control an animal superstar and the crowd roars at the synchronized wonder. Break that same animal and the crowd groans at the disjointed performance. Life’s funny. I know two coaches quite well. Time and distance have reduced our nights out to once every two years or so. Long ago, it was more frequent. When you’re out with then and five or six others you feel them. One for all and all for one. Their room presence and intellectual, emotional and physical charisma is palpable. Logos, ethos, pathos, in the words of Aristotle. Now, this isn’t all coaches, of course. I wouldn’t call Belichick charismatic. Rare bread and worth every penny.
  5. I was there. I wasn’t documenting, so there’s room for error, but I have a clear memory of him going straight to the locker room.
  6. I would rather have fielded the punt from the end zone, down four, than from a free kick, down two. Said it at the time of the butt punt.
  7. * affect With that change, I’d answer “tangentially.”
  8. Mrs Neo and I are beginning our drive later today. I’m still at work. We’re in section 242, parking lot Black North, and staying on South Beach. Lots of bars and restaurants. No definitive plans yet. Go Bills!
  9. Leaving Friday for 3 nights in Miami with Mrs. Neo. I have my tickets, my hotel and my dinner reservations. We’ll be looking for Bills caps and don't believe we’ll be disappointed. Time to represent. Grit over glamour, baby. Everyday.
  10. Moral Victory …. “We made ‘em punt.”
  11. Hope I haven’t duplicated anything …. I’m showing this to people at work (Tampa) to give them a really authentic Buffalo vibe ….
  12. None of the 1974 Steelers were in the Hall of Fame in 1974. Perhaps I missed a sarcasm thingie.
  13. Jones throwing birthday balloons …
  14. All of the above …after beating New England (Belichick) in the AFC Championship and Tampa (Brady) in the Super Bowl. All demons exorcised.
  15. And, as I always say, the game wasn’t as close as the score indicated.
  16. I stopped at my favorite bar after work and before game time. Time for a few cocktails. I’m so regular that the staff had a Bills Mafia plaque made for me. It’s usually on the bar when I arrive. The key to a gesture like that is that it’s made by others on your behalf. I didn’t ask. I don’t ask. This is Tampa Bucs territory. Grateful … Yesterday, there was no plaque. I had two drinks and an appetizer and prepared to leave. I’d been mulling over asking them to bring it out, but hadn’t. You know, “the key” to a gesture of kindness or recognition is that it’s provided, not sought. ”The plaque, can you bring it out? It’s the Rams on national tv”. They brought it out, I had my last swallow, paid and left. It won’t remain in the closet again.
  17. Sounds like Josh Allen …. inclined to take big swings, but coachable.
  18. Interesting video of him at his camp, advising younger players. He spoke about the advantage of the three point stance on the edge, and mentioned the disadvantages of standing ‘flat footed’ and upright. Now, I’m a fan, but i’m clearly not a tape or an x/o guy. Some of you may know ….. does he like to stand, erect, or get into a 3 pt. stance? My learned board friends will know more than me. My Frazier experience - move great talent around and let the offense try to figure it out. Seize initiative.
  19. https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/10/18/nfl-1987-strike-replacement-players-scab-game-bills-giants-lawrence-taylor-bill-parcells-marv-levy Long read, but worth it. I was there with my wife. Her family skied with the Schlopys growing up. Taylor was a Madden 98 playing against Madden 63s. It was crazy. He was walking around everywhere when lining up on defense. The whole offense pointing and gesticulating in a frenzy. Left end. Right end. Tackle. Nose. Safety. Switch. Switch. Dude played with a Super Bowl motor. No mercy. No let up. The setting was sport, society, economics. Schlopy gets a memory for a lifetime.
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