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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I’m guessing …. can he mean “shame on us” to refer to fans who didn’t join the pilgrimage? In short, honoring those who went to Miami and feeling “shame” because he did not? I’m as confused as you.
  2. I read the thread title with the exact same intonation!
  3. The question that ends all conspiracy theory conversations …
  4. Change Rudolph to Allen and you have Tomlin’s opening remarks this week.
  5. Jalen Ramsey is 0-6 against Josh Allen.
  6. Clean up, aisle five. Clean up, aisle five, please.
  7. Just left the Elbo Room. Mob scene. Singing, Dolphin “sightings” with jeers. Conehead, Elvis …. It occurred to me that all teams have fans, but no women bring it like Bills Mafia women. Chuggin’, singin’, dancin’, movin’ and groovin’.
  8. Marriott Harbor Beach …. The GM told me they’ve booked 110 rooms with WNY travel companies. Most arrive today. We got in last night. My sister flew down on a flight with Elvis. The staff’s known for weeks, of course. “Happens every year.” They have Bills logo cookies, freshly baked, that they’re walking around the lobby. In the past, Mrs. Neo and i have stayed in South Beach. Lauderdale is closer to fans and parties. My sister will take the lead.
  9. ELVIS … is in the building. Along with my sister and brother and law, and a large group of other fans, the red, white and blue is in the airport in Buffalo. I’m getting photos. I’m in Tampa, at the airport. It’s on.
  10. I live in Tampa. Miami KNOWS we’re coming. Miami fans view us as the Romans viewed the Visigoth’s in the 5th century AD. “Our Eternal City, the seat of culture and human achievement, has barbarians assembling to its north … and they’re heading this way.” PS …. Section 121. I will do my part.
  11. I’ve been reading about injuries on our board and Phin Heaven. I am prepared to make a proposal. Phins can have a healthy Chubb, Howard and Waddle. We get a healthy Miller, White and Milano. Next man up in Buffalo. We’re cursed in Miami.
  12. I waited 17 pages. It was very difficult for me. The NFL is rigged. I’m one of the 3,423,488 people that would have to be aware and involved. It’s very complex, and secret handshakes are involved. I’m writing now because I think the jig is up. I’ve seen a BLUE HONDA ACCORD on the highway either in front of me, behind me or next to me THREE times in the last four months … always with a different driver. I suppose you’ll all see me on CNN with congress before this is over. I’ll try to negotiate some form of immunity, but I can already hear some smart aleck Fed saying “yeah, you and the other 3,423,487 people”. I can’t say more at this time. I’ve got to attend a zoom call. Seems someone found the lunar props in my tool shed and my wife’s freaking out. Yes, she’s involved, too.
  13. This thread can be compressed to save space on global interweb servers. “A win is a win” and “they didn’t look as good as I like” aren’t mutually exclusive or contradictory. We are on page 26 of two non-contradictory views, expressed one hundred different ways, to assert, challenge, demonstrate, oppose, affirm and refute.
  14. Appreciate the thought starter. I think Brady, and all of us, are auditioning day after day after day. I know you get more short term leeway when you have long term excellence. Brady’s not there, of course. So yes, he’s coaching for his job. He’s also interviewing for his next one. He will be for the next several years.
  15. I’ll be there with Mrs Neo (we’re in Tampa) and my sister and brother in law (Buffalo). I’ll look for posts on parties, Bills Bars, and assorted get togethers. We’re staying in Fort Lauderdale and sitting in 121.
  16. I think we should punt on first down whenever we get the ball. Just leave the defense out there.
  17. I am not a betting man and this won’t change this weekend. That said, I’m curious about what the learned here think. If i had to bet, I’d take the points. The Pats are always prepared and it’s a December divisional game. Bills by 7 to 10. What say the informed?
  18. I’m not sure what Toledo Bill did in your Wheaties, so I’ll set that aside. To your analysis … isn’t “who you are” the biggest indicator of “how you’re used”? I’m not sure Toledo’s post was the stupid one.
  19. Gotta say … the Bills have had about five games where I’ve wished their locker was ours. Hope Jan 7th isn’t another.
  20. LOL, Dallas.
  21. Twenty two men competing intellectually, emotionally and physically over sixty minutes in a constrained 57,600 square field with field with hundreds of yards of airspace overhead, weather, turf, pads, choreography, collision, impact, and weather environment produce 439,234,908,232,190 different potential outcomes. Per play. Add possible combinations of camera angles catching portions of the total, referees seeing portions and not seeing others. Oh, and how cleats interact with artificial turf. If you can discern whose luck exceeded whom’s, you have calculator more powerful than mine.
  22. Can we call Diggs a possession receiver and not force him deep balls?
  23. Anyone want to watch the Bills offense NEEDING a score?
  24. Punting should not be a struggle.
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