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Everything posted by Billsmovinup

  1. Dont think anyone is saying Cini is better. I think what some are saying is that given the circumstances, which Ive cited ad nauseum, winning in cinci could arguably be their most impressive win to date. Given the circumstances.
  2. No whats sad is your attitude. Anybody who has anything even remotely negative to say about this team must be a hater with an f-ing agenda. Even John Murphy was pumping the brakes this week and hes the biggest kiss a-- on the planet. The Superbowl teams were far more talented than this sqaud and they laid plenty of eggs during their run. Its hard to keep up the level of intensity needed to win the way we did the last two weeks. Cincy is better than their record in all likelyhood and the game is in their backyard. Total trap game if we can even put the game in that category. Not sure the Bills have earned the right yet to even think that way. Ill be thrilled and impressed if they win.
  3. Your being completely ridiculous if you think im trolling or the OP is trolling. Winning these types of games are what separate playoff teams from non playoff teams. Do you think these last two wins were easy? It has to have taken something out of them in the short term and Cincy is probably one of the better 1-3 teams Ive seen recently. Hope the Bills dont have your attitude. Theyll lose by 20 if they do.
  4. Yes. Because of the reasons I stated. You said yourself your expecting a let down. If this was the week after the bye Id be singing a totally different tune. Given the circumstances and the position this could put us in with respect to the playoffs its going to require a very mature approach by this team to win. They get this win Ill be convinced they are for real barring any disasterous injuries in the following weeks.
  5. Well. For starters we dont know for sure that the Bengals are worse than Atlanta. It would be very logical to assume that. Atlanta did go to the Superbowl last year and has a very very very talented team. At the moment they have a better record than cincy and Id say it 99 percent likely they finish that way BUT... Buffalo is a little beat up. Cincinati has the third best defense in the league. Cincys offense can put up some numbers. Theyve proven that over the past three or four years. This is essentially a must win if Cincy wants to make the playoffs. They will play a desperate game. Buffalo just played two very intense games against two high quality opponents These past two weeks. It has to have taken something out of them. Given the above I think this is a better win. It puts us at 4-1 and its another conference win. Ill be more impressed if they win this week. Its really a big game for us that does wonders for our playoff chances if we do it and we go into the bye 4-1.
  6. Nothing twisted about the logic. What I described happens all the time in this league. Pretty sure Mcdermott isnt walking around saying this is a slam dunk to this team. We arent overwhelmingly talented. We have some injuries. And we just played two very intense tight games against two quality opponents. Cincy is third in the league defensively. They have an offense that is more than capable and they are at home. They also need this win to stay in the playoff race. 1-4 makes it highly unlikely theyll make the playoffs. They are gonna come out highly motivated.
  7. Sorry. Dont agree. And just so we are clear I dont have an agenda and Im not a hater full of hateful hate. Im a bigtime Bills fan just like you. The last two weeks were great but this weekend is no slam dunk. I think Mcdermott understands that and is gonna work his a-- of to make sure the team understands that. Buffalo still has alot to prove.
  8. Its absolutely not sarcasm and I respect your opinion. Atlanta is a great team but for reasons I sighted above I think this could be a more impressive win than the Atlanta game.
  9. Think you need to put a little more thought into your response. OP makes a very valid point.
  10. Great observation. Im sure the Bills put alot of effort into preparing and playing these last two games. They have to be somewhat physically, emotionally, and mentally spent. Beating Cincy at home could possibly be the most impressive win to date if they pull it off. Not because Cincy is any sort of great team. But they have a very solid defense. Third in yards at the moment. And an offense that is more than capable. AJ Green has always been a thorn in the Bills side. Cinci really needs this game. 1-4 makes it very unlikely that theyll get to the playoffs. Could totally see Buffalo having a letdown this weekend. Most teams have games during the year where they are just flat. Good chance that happens to the Bills. Ill be really impressed if it doesnt and they win. Doesnt mean the season is over. The Bills could easily win three in a row coming back from the bye(cant believe I just said that). That would put us at 6-2 at the midpoint which would be great.
  11. On no. Totally wrong. Every other Qb in the league hits that 50 yard pass at least ten times a game. 80 percent of which go for tds. Nate Peterman hits it 12 times a game. 100 percent of which go for tds. Your just making excuses for Tyrod.
  12. All I can say is Im glad we got Tre White. Gilmore is irrelevant.
  13. This is beautiful. Absolutely hilarious. Actually it tastes like 3-1 to me. http://www.trifectanetworksports.com/stephon-gilmore-is-a-buffalo-bills-player-at-heart/#comments Can we get them to take Dareus as well?
  14. Cause he ssssssuuuuuucccccckkkkksssss!
  15. Nice article from outside the Buff! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/sports/wp/2017/10/03/the-future-is-bright-for-the-buffalo-bills-and-the-present-isnt-so-bad/
  16. Correctamundo. As for the question theyll promote from within IMO. Donald Jones felt a guy off the street would probably be pretty limited in the routes he could initially run. I get the feeling this coaching staff is not only big on continuity but wants to reward the guys who are busting their butts on the practice squad waiting for their chance. Perfect time for Zay to step it up.
  17. RIP BROTHER! Your name says it all. DC. As in Washington DC Im guessing. Had the misfortune of going there a couple times. Biggest collection of self important a-holes on the planet
  18. Hes behind the guys who allegedly arent good enough to replace Matthews. How is he the savior?
  19. See the I dont like this thread so Im gonna be a d-ck comment. Here come the rest of the d-bags to follow suit.
  20. He should try some Dr. Scholls foot powder if his feet are really terrible. Or buy new shoes. Thats what I do when my feet start to reek.
  21. I think its those who do can, those who cant teach.
  22. No running game vs Denver either. But that doesnt fit in your agendaized agenda of hateful hate does it?
  23. He cant cut and slash like he used to. Leaps tall buildings in a single bound Ive heard.
  24. They just want to rid this squad of the dead weight. Clock is ticking on Dareus.
  25. Maybe hes a lazy underachiever who doesnt fit in the long term Mcbeane plan?
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