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Everything posted by Billsmovinup

  1. He was doubled all game. Even in pregame warmups he was doubled
  2. T How do you justify being a fan of a temperamental rag armed midget twerp who never won an NFL playoff game.
  3. Might wanna go to the doctor. Could be the stomach flu.
  4. That's funny. I needed a good joke to get my day started.
  5. Does Taylor have to pay the Bills a signing bonus in your hypothetical?
  6. Also Beckham's failure to adequately secure the ball in the end zone. As soon as he caught it he began to extend the ball in celebration rather than tuck it allowing the Patriots defender to strip it. Dumb play.
  7. I want to beat them undefeated in their house on Monday night.
  8. They hate us cause they ain't us. Lol.
  9. Nobody is trading anything for Manuel. He's getting cut in the offseason. End of story. Remember Red hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
  10. Guess they didn't write a big enough campaign check.
  11. He gets doubled all the time. That's why he never gets a pass.
  13. Gee. Let's see. I'm gonna go into enemy territory. Hang a sign in their house. And not expect someone to take it. Makes perfect sense to me.
  14. He didn't say he saw Sammy at the galleria.
  15. You forgot the part where she probably asked for it. The A-hole should be in jail
  16. Flutie now goes by the stage name "Skin Flutie" and is a rising star in the adult film industry. A man of many talents.
  17. Yes. How dare anyone bash Rex. Most talented team in years and we are in same spot we are always in. A likely 16th year of no playoffs. Defense is far worse(Rexs specialty) than it was last year. Can't for the life of me understand why anyone would be upset.
  18. We all know that Sammy's production suffers because of constant double teams. What I'm wondering is why nobody ever doubles Odell Beckham. Take today for example. Odell scored three td's. Clearly there is no way he was doubled because anybody who gets doubled on a consistent basis like Sammy would be lucky to get three td's in a season let alone a single game. If someone could explain why Beckham never gets double coverage I would really appreciate it.
  19. I'm just wondering if the glass is half or half empty in this case. Stay on the field and make plays glass and nobody will be mean to you.
  20. Cook is a poor man's EJ
  21. You've missed the last fifteen years haven't you.
  22. EJ sucks. Give it a rest.
  23. I think two firsts is way to much. A conditional sixth in the 2065 draft would be more than enough. Pass the crack pipe back while your at it please.
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