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Everything posted by Billsmovinup

  1. Ah yes. Forgiveness. Not a finer human trait.
  2. You have a point but that doesn't mean those guys aren't incredibly annoying. Kiper has a coronary every time someone deviates from his board. My favorite is when a team picking 18th takes a guy he had slotted 25th and then we have to listen to the infinitely stupid "should have traded down" crap. First, how exactly does he know who, if anyone, was willing to trade down and second, how does Kiper know that somebody who was behind you and is now in front of you, due to the trade down, isn't going to take the guy you like? Ridiculous is the concept of a "reach" when half the guys taken in round one have average to well below average impact during their NFL careers. Kiper and McShay act like they are the only ones who got it right and everyone else is clueless.
  3. He's eliciting a response of dislike. He says something annoying and people react. Nothing wrong with the way they are reacting. He's not getting fired. That's a certainty. He's doing what they want him to do.
  4. Just became bigger fan of Cam Newton. If he's that cool during the Superbowl Denver has no chance. Typical Buffalo News reporter with his miserable attitude.
  6. Trash talking always works against the Pats. NE 35- DEN 13. Help me NFC champ. Your my only hope.
  7. I'm sure every decision you've made in your life was the right one. Congrats. Your the world's first perfect human since Jesus. How does it feel?
  8. Always thought very highly of Larry. He's a pro's pro. Plays the game with the highest level of integrity. Would love to see him get a ring. He's a first ballot Hall of Famer.
  9. Your right. They'll find a way to cheat their way to another title.
  10. Another malcontent on the team will only hasten rex's termination. Why not? Wouldn't mind nailing the blond in the green bikini.
  11. Sure you can, you just did. Your right. I forgot. The Bills do no wrong. It's the referees who have kept us out of the playoffs for 16 years. Must be nice to live in a world of delusion.
  12. Doesn't look like he knows how to run a football team. Just sayin'. Hated the Ryan hiring and its going worse than expected. Enjoy your trip on the Titanic. The ships unsinkable you know!
  13. Don't tell me to relax Bohdi he's f-----g federal agent. You've missed the last sixteen years?
  14. Donnie Henderson out. Bozo the clowns brother in. WTF. You can't make this stuff up. Can't believe Pegula is putting up with this crap. We get rid of our best defensive coach so we can bring in a guy who keeps getting fired. Good news is it will get so bad next year they'll have to clean house just like they did with the Sabres. Pegula must love burning money. I'm amazed he's a billionaire with his spending habits.
  15. If Ryan is trying to be HC as well as DC, and then taking time out for extra activities like taping TV shows, doesn't that place him automatically at a competitive disadvantage? Limit him to one bathroom break a day and hire someone to spoon feed him at his desk. That will get us to the super bowl.
  16. Strongly suggest you get treatment. No shame in admitting you have a problem. Getting help for your addiction isn't a sign of weakness.
  17. My guess is his editor nixed the "Tyrod Taylor assassinated JFK" story so they went with this!
  18. All they gotta do is look at the smooth transitions Chip Kelly, Nick Saban, and Steve Spurrier made to know a college coach is the way to go.
  19. If philly offered me their next ten drafts in their entirety I would think about it. Plus any five guys off their roster.
  20. Is Whaley really getting a multi year deal if this is true. That seems odd. It's one or the other IMO not both because as far as I know the Bills have to honor Whaleys contract if they fire him with years left on a new deal. Someone tell me what I'm missing.
  21. Didn't care that Fred was released then. Care even less now.
  22. Gotta love the never ending optimism of the homers on this site. No objectivity here.
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