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Everything posted by Billsmovinup

  1. Really? No I dont. But its about the only fun I can have with this team these days. Im probably a tad guilty of some unintentional trolling. I just dont get what there doing. They dont seem to like Tyrod. They take away what he does best. Go deep. They seem to be setting themselves up to trade up next year but avoid taking the best route which is 2-14 to chase 8-8 again which just may be far enough down the draft board to make it possible to move up to 1,2, or 3 to get the qb. Its a really half a$$ed approach.
  2. Look at the buzz its created. Now we have a plan. Now we can get out QB savior next year. Etc. Etc. Talk about blah blah blah.
  3. The staff has nothing to do with the last 17 years but Jordan Belfort, I mean Russ Brandon does. Hes the marketing guy who keeps the con going. Every year its some new catchy phrase. I give him credit. Some people call for his head, hes just doing what hes suppossed to do. Fill the seats.
  4. Look at the last 17 years. This team always finds a way to create a buzz with very little to show for it. The endless cover the four corners of the planet coaching search that led to Marrone. Trading up for Sammy. Hiring Rex. Just to name a few. An endless shell game of moves to keep the crowd interested. You dont need to read what I write just like I dont need to read the drivel coming from the cult of nothings wrong that infects this site.
  5. This has Russ Brandons snake oil covered hands all over it. Simply brilliant. Master of distraction. He should work for trump.
  6. I wonder if its no big deal in New England? Players not being in the best shape possible!
  7. This team has been shaking things up continuosly for 17 years. Id rather take a gamble on a receiver with star potential, despite the injury history which Ive been attacked over, than a crappy corner and second round pick. This trade was a big mistake.
  8. Embarrassing troll thread. If you read the entire article Peter King clearly implies the Bills will go 19-0 and win the Superbowl by 75. The mods will deal with the OP in such a fashion that he/she will wish they had never been born!!! Go get em mods😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 Starting to like you oldman. You did however forget to cite the agenda blast, the mod blast, the emotional response blast, and the all important you just dont know the game blast. The smiley face is big as well. Forgot that one.😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
  9. Remember Red. Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
  10. Its all good Canadian Fan. Many in this forum cant handle the truth. I got buried when I suggested Watkins was injury prone. When he got traded almost every article I read outside of Buffalo brought up his injury history. Some just want to hear nice things about a team that hasnt made the playoffs in almost two decades.
  11. Gotta be something in the water. Wtf.
  12. Bolden averaged less than 10 a catch last year. Not that hes ever been a deep threat but its a clear sign hes nearing the end. Not sure how much gas he has left. One of the things Rams players brought up was how the deep threat of Watkins will open things up for the rest of the offense because theyll have to play somebody over the top against them.These are pro football players saying that and its a valid point.
  13. My heads always been there. We were seventh in scoring after week fifteen last year despite some of our offensive shortcomings. Feels like its gonna flip flop again. D will be great. Offense will take two steps back. Round and round we go!!!
  14. Dont mean to be an argumentative d--k. Just sick of losing and/or being in the middle.
  15. That could very well be true. Its something well never know in all likelyhood.
  16. Feel free to tell me the points given up by the defense in those eight games. Having star caliber players on your team never hurts.
  17. I agree. And Ill be the first to admit Beane and Mcdermott have forgotten more about football than Ill ever know. Hopefully they prove just how little I know and theyll get us back to the playoffs asap.
  18. Im saying go one way or the other. Not that hard to follow unless your just looking for a fight because you dont like what I wrote. I would have kept Watkins, maintained the offense, and concentrated on improving the defense. That better?
  19. We took a step back and Beanes ridiculous were trying to win at all times has zero credibility. Ive said numerous times that Watkins injury issues were a big concern BUT there have been other star players with similar histories and to me this move demostrated a complete lack of patience and forsight. If the goal is to win, you keep one of your most explosive players, hope hes past the injury issue, and you put your best foot forward(no pun intended). You can franchise him next year and work on a long term deal.If your trying to rebuild. Gut the team as much as possible and shoot for 1-15. All this middling crap is gonna do is keep us between 6-10 and 8-8 for another decade. After a couple of days of cooling off this is all Ive got. Just more frustration and another wasted season. I feel bad for those of you who shell out your hard earned dollar for seasons tix. You deserve more.
  20. What exactly qualifies one for the emotional response blast? Is there a set criteria or is it more of a case by case thing?
  21. Who exactly is fawning over TJ Yates? Ill go back and check the quotes but Im pretty sure its not everyone!
  22. Yea. Let the mods deal with him. Get em mods😄😄😄 Living in boredom and monotony is more like it.
  23. You made a joke. How funny. Good for you. Ridiculous point. Not just about straight line speed. Watkins avg 4 yards more per reception than Matthews and their 40 times are pretty similar.
  24. Gotta hand it to all of you. Regardless of what side your on the comments today are hysterical and I absolutely mean that as a compliment. Lmfao. No need to drink tonight.
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