I supposed it was worth noting.
As far as playing sports after the age of 12... I never got worse, so I never had the chance to say I used to be better. Every year I got better.. you know, because I was getting older and stronger. Happily that trend has continued so far, and I haven't declined at all as far as I can tell.
Schobel himself admits he isn't what he used to be ..
Schobel: "I don't move like I used to man. Huhuh, I'm telling you man. I'm just telling you what it is."
Kawika: "Shutup man"
Schobel: "I'm trying to deal with it myself"
I blame the lack of being able to cheat for the pats* collapse. Brady would be playing no better than cassel.
Colts are long overdue for a few losses. About time it happened. Chargers are fine. I hope this all teaches you talking heads who assume that the playoff temas from the previous year are going to be the same teams in the next year. This is the NFL, things change quickly, and you cannot predict anything. That is the reason we watch.
Just curious.. is there any person.. in all of politics, or even just anywhere in America who you think would make a good pres?
Because, frankly, if Obama weren't around I'd be in the same boat as you. I just personally view him as the single exception.
PearlHowardman are you one of those people who only vote for republicans, and never bother to look at .. you know.. if a candidate is a good candidate for the position? Yay, republicans are never wrong, always right and should always be voted for because they are never ever ever wrong.
F'n Ralph. Such a bittersweet thing with him. He's the owner, and the reason we have the team, but then he also does weird crap like this that makes no sense.
Hehe, glad you finally caught that Hey I just like people to be held accountable when they get caught making a fool out of themselves.
I knew your point, and everyone knew your point. It's more fun to take you literal. Especially when I think it's harsh of you to call someone "retardedly ignorant" for a post like that. (and, to boot, they end up being right)
LOL wut? Have we ever had a winning season with Ellison, Poz, Whitner, Williams, Royal, Walker, Marshawn, blah blah blah on the team? Lets kick all of those guys off the team. We can't win with them.