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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Seems fairly american. I remember makign bush/dukakis posters on construction paper when I was in grade school.
  2. All I want: Anyone who complains of biased news sources, please list news sources that you do actually trust.
  3. Yeah I'm thinking its not easy to go back to the paper that was published on that day and prove or disprove your claims. So that was weird. I don't care if you were wrong or not, I tend to believe you on that. In any case SDS, my strategy is to query people who are the ones who claim that news sources are biased and try to find out what sources they think are not biased. Because if they trust it, then I can admit those news sources into a discussion with them. Technically, I just assume everyone is biased about everything and don't trust anyone. But the thing is, when I'm arguing with people, I really want to use sources they trust. At that point, my theory is: they can't hide behind the "it's biased" cop out. While I'm here, I have to say, I've tried that and it doesn't really work well. I found the most republican papers I could find one day and sent a few disparaging articles about Palin's past to my very republican dad. He never admitted I was right, and went off on some tangent on how we should re-asses the method we are using to debate. Moral of the story: People do not ever like to admit they are wrong *especially* when it comes to politics. Also, SDS. You keep mentioning Fox News. I never said anything about Fox (wuts-up-wit-dat?). To a point, I have learned to respect Bill.
  4. The Pats* cheated and it really pisses me off every time someone compares Edwards to that crappy QB that is Tom Brady. Man, I know people mean it as a compliment, but I find it really offensive, and insulting
  5. I like this thread.
  6. Ya your right, my bad. PPP and the Deseret News are where I go for professional sources.
  7. Stand outside the bathroom and bragg to passer byers about the awesomeness of what you've accomplished.
  8. I've been trying to figure out what news organizations are actually professional about this stuff. I think the Washington Post and NYT do alright, I'm not sure who else though.
  9. Ya unfortunately I did not mind when he got hurt during the game.
  10. I think they favour Obama. I don't mind though, since Obama is just flat out better all around, so...
  11. I'm starting to fear the Bills have the Sabres fever of not trying in the 1st 2 periods and just assuming they can come back and win.
  12. Cage is still making movies!?!?!? Unbelievable. Someone please tell him to stop.
  13. ya, that was confusingly out of place and weird to hear.
  14. The white ninja as a game piece is pretty awesome.
  15. Ya think? I dunno, I really don't think it does.
  16. Isn't he on atlanta right now?
  17. He might be worth a 4th or 5th .. or JP Losman. All are fine to offer. But I still say Royal keeps the starter slot, for a long while, till Gonzo gets used to things here.
  18. I never sat anywhere but orange in the aud. As a kid those were scary.
  19. All three of them!!!
  20. lol, I know some christians who are going to be rather hurt by this news.
  21. come on, no one caught the pink thing yet? it's rather funny. someone share this laugh with me already.
  22. I bet if us and the broncs keep it up, they'll switch that one to a night game.
  23. anyone catch what what he said right after saying he liked his steaks pink in the middle?
  24. Ya... good call. Interpretation is everything.
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