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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Well if you ask me who won... I don't know who won, but I do know that the American people have lost. That was a sad debate.
  2. Da Big Man: I love America so much I put a flag tatoo on my penis Crayonz: If you elect me president I'll change the flag so that Da Big Man will have a flag of a non-existant country on his penis.
  3. Eh? What? Stating what they believe in is a copout now? I'm so confused...
  4. They agreed on gay/lesbian marriage. That was interesting.
  5. That whole post was in jest.
  6. It did take Bush two terms to destroy it. Perhaps Obama might need 2 to fix it Oh man I don't even want to think about next election right now.
  7. Elaborate on your problems with my statement. What?? If they really were flaws in Obama, don't you think McCain would go after them? Goodness, has he held back on any attacks at all so far? McCain is not an idiot.
  8. Even the one where they start 4-0 before going on a 13 game winning streak?
  9. Perhaps McCain does not go after any of those things, because in the face of honest intellectual scrutiny, none of those accusaions hold any merit. But to the unwitting person who has not attacked those issues from all sides, those issues seem to be big faults on the part of Obama.
  10. No he's not. But we can afford to pay it. So whatever.
  11. I didn't know the Cardinals had fans.
  12. McCain himself said she is very professional and would be very objective. I don't get what the problem is.
  13. Unquestioning submission to undeserving authority.
  14. lol.. wtf... all of that money billions and billions of dollars, and this is his website?????? http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/
  15. Don't get on Moulds... that had everything to do with him just hating Meathead (as he should) and nothing to do with him not liking Evans or JP. If anything Moulds should be praised for standing up to a moron coach. Same thing with Ruben Brown and him standing up to Kevin Gilbride, I think that was completely awesome of Rube to do. If a coach cannot earn the respect of his players, he does not deserve it.
  16. It's so true, because women are weaklings.
  17. What he said.
  18. It's Goodwins Law in full effect
  19. Slapping in the face is funny. .. I'm not sure how slapstick comedy and politics should be meshing, but .. whatevever. I know, and no need to even dumb it down with terrorist sterotypes and slapping michael moore in the face. It's just comedy gold on it's own. The kind of comedy that makes you want to cry.
  20. I want to believe this, but Al Davis is crazy, so this is as silly crayonz making this claim.
  21. She isn't and won't be VP. No one has actually voted for her yet.
  22. Well done, I too owe Reed an apology. Glad to have him around.
  23. to the crayanz eater marioc, this is a very logical thread. ifyou want your minutes back, parhaps you are not so smart to know what a good use of your time it really was. These threads really make the noobs and crazies really stand out
  24. http://blog.indecision2008.com/2008/09/30/...aked/#more-6053
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