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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. That is not an honest post if ever I saw one. Why do you lie to yourself, and then try to talk us into is also? It's kind of annoying.
  2. Naw the tree huggers have moved on to: There are no more natural habitats left for animals because we humans have invaded their lands and polluted thier water and air and changed the temperature of their atmosphere. I kind of agree with that sentiment.
  3. Oh well then a planetarium is no better than a zoo. Which I bet are also great places to drop acid and listen to pink floyd.
  4. Man now what are we doing? I'm no planetarium expert. It just seems funny to make fun of them. Are they not mainstays of space research? Analyzing telescope images and you know.. examining sunspots and looking for asteroids and all of that jazz. Correct me if I'm wrong but the tourist ceiling with stars on it is just fund raising so the planetariums are not all public money. Just please tell me we're not going to turn planetariums into some bastards libs vs dems vs fox news vs McObama brainless fart argument.
  5. I dunno if you are being sarcastic or not... But if you are being serious: Are you trying to insult planetariums? Is that what I'm reading?
  6. If it makes you feel any better, Obama has also changed since I started supporting him. Its sucks and I hate it. At the moment I still plan to vote for him though. But man it just pisses me off. And I'm not sure if I should be mad at him or the democratic process.
  7. Your assumption that everyone mocking you is liberal makes me laugh. I guess, tell yourself all of the lies you want, if it makes you feel better.
  8. Naw I trust you, no need to waste time digging up info.
  9. Then why is it still an organization? Someone should have shut them down already. One good lawsuite against them could do that with no problem.
  10. Well if he's not on the ballot, I won't vote for him. When he is, you gunna come back here and admit you are a moron?
  11. I claim no expertise on this, but there is no copyright notice on that page. So isn't it fair game?
  12. Yeah that is not an accurate statement by any stretch of the imagination. People hate Palin because she's as dumb as a brick, and it scares the S out of them thinking that she could be VP ... or even worse, President.
  13. Oliver, like I said in my post, there will never be a third party, and it's mostly out of fear/hate for the other party than anything. Thanks StupidNation for serving as an example
  14. I do too eball. It just feels like a really good game to put some money down on the Texans.
  15. I wish it were so. I just don't see any way this country is going to leave the two party system. It just seems like it will never happen. The two parties thing, I don't know how to word it, but it seems like people just support the one party out of hate for the other party.. not because they actually like their own political party. And so both end up with large amount of people picking a side (that they don't believe in). Best I see is the morphing that both parties undergo every 40 years or so. Both the republican and democratic party changed drastically in the 30's, then in the 60's and now I think we're headed for another re-definition of what it means to be a republican and what it means to be a democrat. I have no clue why but this country just loves splitting itself into two sides. It's the stupidest thing ever. But if anyone could do it, Ron Paul could.
  16. Oh man, but did you see the RATM megaphone show, when the police shut em down. You gotta admit, that was awesome. I agree though, mobs are dumb, very dumb.
  17. I really doubt that kind of footage is hard to come by either. I bet anyone could go to any Palin rally and get about the same amount of "insight".
  18. I've turned down programming contracts because I know I wouldn't do a great job for the person hiring me, and would basically be stealing money from them for shoddy work. I'd like to think if someone could realize they would not be ready to perform the task of Vice-President of the United States they would turn it down also, so as not to screw over an entire country, instead of one company. Yes, please do anally examine Obama and Biden also, they certainly deserve it. As well as McCain and Palin. All them need anal examination. I certainly do hold it against her that she said "yes". It's not like this is a secretary office job. The job position is Vice President of the United States of America. A powerful and demanding office, if ever there was one. There is no shame in not being ready or qualified to accept the position. And if you do accept the position.... prepare for anal probing in every aspect of your life, and prepare for detailed critisism of every word you ever say or every action you ever make.
  19. It does really appear like they were trying to make her look bad and ugly. Oh well, if she wasn't a complete dunce who deserves everything she's getting... than maybe I'd feel bad.
  20. No. And frankly I'd have never noticed it, if sensitive girly people like you did not talk about such insignigant and petty things.
  21. It's clear that McCain is a terrorist and plans on making us all prisoners.
  22. They also had sex several times together, have fathered several children together, and drink out of the same coffee cup with out washing it. It still doesn't mean Obama is the same person as Ayers in any way shape or form. If you are going to call him guilty by association, look up McCains Charles Keating or Palins husbands Joe Vogler. Both are just as nasty as you think Ayers is.
  23. Doh! I took this thread serious. Ooops, perhaps I was the pwned one.
  24. May all of us never lose our Dick.
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