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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Did you really spell sabres wrong?
  2. That's not real?? Is it???
  3. o_0 - the Giants have only offered a 6th. So you would trade a James Hardy and a Reggie Corner to them for this guy?
  4. I'm pretty sure Boomer was joking with you also.
  5. Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig. Come on those are the names of Alaskan secessionists if ever I saw one.
  6. Well if that doesn't scare you, perhaps his middle name will, it's Robinette. Look it up. What, kind of terrorist name is that?!
  7. I thought they didn't play with heart against St. Louis either. But the Rams suck so bad..
  8. And the name Joseph is a Hebrew name which originated in the Middle East!!
  9. You mean Obama the intelligent? Obama the smart? Obama the guy with a brain. I am so sick of morons leading this country that I just love the fact that someone with a high IQ is finally going to be in charge. We haven't had a smart president is at least 16 years. It makes me sick to think about that.
  10. I dunno .. is that worth a 3rd? That's like an Ellis or Youboty or Edwards. Though I do hear what you are saying. Though I do think this is the Bills year to make some noise, and that if they are going to bring in an expiring player who wants one last shot at glory, this is the best year for the Bills to do it. Edit: from that KC Start link above: "The Chiefs were asking for a third-round pick, and the Giants offered a sixth-rounder."
  11. I wouldn't give more than a 4th for him. He's got like 1 or two years left in the tank and he's not as good as he used to be, either way.
  12. Doh!. Oops. I think my brain had not turned on yet today when I posted that. Just ignore it I have no clue what I was thinking.
  13. What part of unanimous do you not understand?
  14. There is a difference between inappropriate and just flat out illegal. Who said anything about a deal? The only thing that is said is that he had conversations urging them to hold off. Just a question dude, does there exist any one action a republican would do before you would criticize them? Like if Huckabee started chucking Mexican babies into a furnace would you still be talking about Obama and his urging of other leaders to wait a bit on a deal?
  15. video video video. this sounds really funny.
  16. Yuck, yeah that is a scarily true post.
  17. What does Barack have to do with rum or wooden arrows? Come now, you must concede that there are some things worth putting money into, and others that are not. Science and education is highly likely going to fall into the category of good things to put money into.
  18. Ya lez go Big Man, back yourself up with something substantial.
  19. where's the throw him off a building and see if he bounces option.
  20. This wasn't controversial enough no one can argue with you. You need to say crazy things if you want a big thread
  21. I know, and name one science or math program the make-a-wish foundation has financed also. Those non-profit childrens funds, so evil with their non-math supporting ways. Terrible, just terrible. What is this world coming to?
  22. I'm choking on the cheese of that statement
  23. That is one of the most absurd assertions I've seen in a while. You haven't provided one bit of evidence to support that claim, nor do I think you would be able to. I mean I guess the first thing we'd have to establish is who it is (if anyone) that actually controls the party. I like to think parties are not controlled by any one person, but maybe I'm wrong on that (Dick Cheney??). Then once we have a list of names we could discuss the character of these folks to see if they even come close to your labels. Right.
  24. Wow interesting.
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