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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Yuck, who is defending Clinton? Good luck buddy. Might as well be defending Bush.
  2. I can't get even a spare for the life of me. Much less a strike.
  3. !!! that is horrible! Oh I'm glad for the internet, these things would never exist in real life.
  4. I didn't make this thread? And it is now obvious you have no clue what the President of the United States of America does.
  5. Are things like McCain advisors having direct ties to Sadam, Palin breaking ethics laws, Bush appointing a copyright czar, and the Keating 5 less important? Why do you not discuss those?
  6. eek. SDS... your woman... she's betrayed you. (Was it just me, or was she a bit.. chubbier than normal?)
  7. So.. is ignorance as bliss as they say?
  8. I kind of wish he would die already, and stop contributing to the ruin of my society.
  9. ... you have anything new to bring to the table? Rehashing your distorted views of old information does not count as informative.
  10. Oh, that is good news. I'm glad they gave a fair offer, and did not overpay for Gonzo. to the Bills.
  11. I'd have done a 2nd.. maybe a 1st for Roy. He's a talent. 1st and 3rd is hard.
  12. You know.. I'll take your damn bait.. and re-hash old arguement from news long past. When really we should be talking about Palins ethics violation findings from this weekend. Since that is new news. You people took a quote from Wright who had hate directed at the current goverment administraion to a new level of "overrated". (not to mention, out of context.. if you read the whole thing) Wright does hate america any more than Pat Robertson of Falwell do.. http://www.actupny.org/YELL/falwell.html So Pat Robertson hates America. It's true, I have a link. Can we talk about Palin breaking the law now?
  13. Alright. This thread is solved. What else can we cover?
  14. wait?? a 3rd hulk movie? we're either of the others popular at all?
  15. I see your useless saying, and raise you a "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer" P.S. Who's views have not what? And what does that have to do with my comment?
  16. We need a 24 hour Ayers & Obama news network. They could talk about all Ayers, all the time.
  17. StupidNation - If one candidate is actually superior, I mean clearly better.. why would not news coverage speaker better of him?
  18. Fair enough. Would it help anything to know, he really had to be talked into running? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,235840,00.html The petition mentioned 1/2 way down.. I signed it . He's changed a bit since that day, but I hope when campaignning is over, he'll return to the mind set he had back then. The one that did make him to say "This is an office you can't run for just on the basis of ambition"
  19. lol, I doubt that was true. NFLN just likes to hate on the bills
  20. http://www.hulu.com/watch/38999/msnbc-deci...ernate-universe
  21. Question: In your opinion, Bluefire, does Obama have the best interests of the United States at heart, or does he have some personal agenda?
  22. You are unbelievable. Obama is a breed apart from anything you've ever seen in politics. Fitting right in with your WAKE-UP thread. You have never seen anything like this guy, ever, in charge of this country. He is going to redefine the job, if you ask my opinion. I'm glad the majority of the country can see things a bit more clearly than you.
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