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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Would it resemble anything like trying to hype up Bill Ayers and Rev Wright and Obama terrorist-ness as large as possible? Or trying your hardest to convince everyone that Obama is socialist?
  2. My comments on Biden are firmly embedded in my sig
  3. Dude.. he tells you what it's about. Watch the interviews. Let Colin Powell himself answer your questions.
  4. I'm not reading it. Jesse Jackson is on par with StupidNation and Da Big man as far as lack of brains go. Soo... whatever he said, I'm sure it was dumb.
  5. Or ... made an informed (very informed, seeing how well he knows each candidate personally) decision and is smart enough to know that just because he is a republican .. does not mean he has to vote that way in every election, because there are exceptions to every rule. Yo, make whatever ignorant assumptions you want about the guy. He's still 1000 times more accomplished and smarter than you will ever be.
  6. Oh goodness.. to all you living breathing McCain talking points... I give you Colin Powell:
  7. GREAT POST!!! I do not know how you are able take yourself seriously. (to dumb not to, I suppose)
  8. the difference was home vs away games, plus coming off a bye week.. .. plus they were different games on different days. one game was at 1:00 and one was at 4:00?
  9. Lol wut? They both play QB in the NFL on the planet Earth. This does not compute.
  10. the video.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27265369/ You know .. where Powell clearly lists his reasons for his endorsement, and not of them are "He's a brotha"
  11. Almost pity them Because they suck the big one Hate em cuz they do
  12. Lol, wut?
  13. So CSU got blown out. That was fun to watch. Of course I can't see the tears coming from his eyes up in the stands, but man.. after every big Utah play, he'd just stat pacing back and forth, and look at the paper he had in his hand. That was a blast though, I love watching that guy get a beat down.
  14. Republicans really don't care about taxes of the rich. It's all just a farce cover up for their pro-life stance. That is all republicans are .. pro-life. Any other issue is not really important.
  15. LOL. Check's and balances means president vs congress vs the supreme court. No one of them can go off the deep end. republicans vs demoliberals have nothing to do with checks and balances. not, at leat, the way the founding fathers intended it.
  16. Neither. But they were the best cheaters in the league. So I'll give them that. Now that defense radios are in use, they will be average or worse from now on.
  17. From me she would. She's said some really dumb stuff.
  18. If Kaeding gets laid, does that mean the girls of this town are not real Bills fans?
  19. Faker. He's faking it, because now that he won't know the defensive plays before the snap, he will suck, and he doesn't want to lose his HOF bid. I hate that guy.
  20. Uhm.. dude .. if your going to have a sig out of an Obama quote, please try to use a real one. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/change.asp
  21. Lol, I'd love to have that exact exact exchange of words with you in front of a girl who was just raped, just to see the look on her face. It would be priceless.
  22. good thing a lot of independants are voting for him
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