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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I'm a fan how "Global Warming Controversy" is not whether it exists or not, the controversy is what effects it will have. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming_controversy Note, StupidNation, what you think is a controversy is not actually one. No one is arguing about if global warming exists anymore.
  2. lol.. you are right... the do. In fact all that list show that there are exactly three scientists in the whole planet who do not believe global warming is a real thing. One from Canada, one from Australia, and one in New Zealand. I should like to know how many scientists there are in the world to build a ratio. I bet its something like 1 in 50000 scientists do not believe in global warming.
  3. My research has shown that democrats tend to be exposed to real life drugs, violence, and poverty (whether by choice or not), and republicans tend to be sheltered in their small towns and rich suburban areas with no exposure to troubles or hard times. My "conner research institute" is highly accredited and has earned three nobel prizes, a grammy, and 1/2 of an oscar.
  4. A real red too. None of this sissy "conservative" red.
  5. So, Palin is not trying to win this election, she is trying to set herself up to be the leader of the Republican party? And maybe .. like a president or something?
  6. So don't get it... does that lady have an unwanted B carved in her face now... and on top of that she's going to jail?
  7. I dunno who that girl is, but wow that is hot
  8. Given the Al Smith dinner, I thought McCain was telling the funnier jokes. Obama just laughed at his own jokes all the time, not so funny.
  9. that was really funny anyways.
  10. Goodness.. the way we talk, you'd think balance of power meant dems vs libs and not president vs congress vs the judges.
  11. No.. that lady was paid by the McCain campaign. Really.. that is what worker means.
  12. He is really an old white lady in disguise!!! Take off that mask Obama!
  13. I see now that you are right. I used to think this guy was serious, but I see now that he is playing a joke on us all just to get us riled up. Well done Boomer. You had me fooled.
  14. Are you the republican version of crayonz? Do tell.. what what his agenda? I should like to be enlightened.
  15. Vegas odds are not any one persons opinion though. Lots and lots of money is made and lost on that, so people have to be honest. We'd have to like win 13 games this year and go 5-1 next year to get the kind of spread you want at an away game against a division rival. Sand Diego, Pittsburgh, Indy, Cheaters win year in and year out. They are safe to bet on them, so more people do.
  16. Someone please help me, I'm trapped in a crazy people universe.
  17. You almost make me want to hope the Bills lose so that posts like this don't exist. Please stop. There is nothing to complain about, stop reaching.
  18. Are you saying Chicago's crime rates are Obama's fault?
  19. You're next buddy . Come to the dark side, it's fun, we have popsicles.
  20. Thanks for the link. That is basically a work of fiction. It's very sad that people will indeed take that letter serious.
  21. I'll agree to that. He tried very hard to be something he is not, a right wing conservative.
  22. ... lol even the VP of Fox news is saying McCains done for. http://foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com/2008/10/23/jmoody_1023/
  23. Interesting, I look forward to reading it (while celebrating a Bills win, of course)
  24. Paint your car a different color real fast.
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