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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Aww, hey I was going to bump this thread, you beat me to it. well.. here was my line I thought up: Perhaps the loss is all Vegas' fault for not giving us a larger spread
  2. And Ayers is a friend to Obama, and Ayers is a terrorist. Which explains why Paulson is terrorizing our economy. ... dude, please try to supply more info than your crazy assertions. You have no credibility yourself. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/13708.html
  3. I almost want to sig that.
  4. lol. this thread is off to a great start.
  5. I don't. Only ever 2 years. I know I should, it's hard to keep up on like .. city council members and stuff like that.
  6. Ya.. I agree.. that could be a riot if that was Obama.
  7. Yeah... I want to be a republican, but like Colin Powell said, the right has just gone too far to the right. To me they've gone off the deep end, and I can't vote for craziness like that. Taxes are not going to be anything worse than what we've had over the last 50 years And frankly, minus a ron paul like total change, no ones tax solutions are that great. .. and then to me the added bonuses of good environment policy, and improved image all over the world. I'll be happy with that.
  8. I thought the offense was to blame today. They coulnt put the ball in the enzone.
  9. Supposed to be a country hick joke. Ya, wasn't worded that great.
  10. ... wild assumption, or well researched assertion? You decide.
  11. Then after the rioting is over they'll all go have sex with their sisters.
  12. I duno about cutting him... but boy do I hope Fine can help out not that he's back.
  13. Thats one thing I love about the NFL, it makes you pay quickly if you get relaex. Hopefully this team has learned it lesson, that it has to play like it did vs SD every game.
  14. I wonder if boomer even knows what a riddle is.
  15. we got like a JP offense out there today.
  16. lol, wtf.. you know how google now suggests searches to you. when you search for obama.. like the 7th down is "obama antichrist" I think that means the seventh most popular search term with the name obama in it is "obama antichrist". ... I used to think it was GW that was the antichrist .. so .. guess I was wrong about that.
  17. Offer still stands http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1178875 And come on did you see the crowd he had in Berlin, that is crazy. And then there is stuff like this: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...17?hub=Politics
  18. It's a toss up between him, StupidNation, and Da Big Man. They are all so far out there that I almost think they are pretending and playing a big joke on us all. Playing a character, ala Colbert, where they purposely say the dumbest things they can think up, just purely to get people riled up.
  19. Do feel free to present your credentials and or verifiable research materials with which this claim may be substantiated. Since you are an expert on marxism and all.
  20. Well.. ... on the other hand... is that the best you got against the Obama campaign? Some reporter saying Obama did something he didn't do, and then Biden asking her if it was a joke? Oh the horror!
  21. If you find someone on this board who thinks Biden is not an idiot, do let me know. You'll be hard pressed to find someone to defend the guy.
  22. Takes a few years for WR's to develop. If this year the only thing he ever does is stand in the endzone and catch a few jump balls, I'm happy.
  23. Obama already won... anyways, let me save you people who would never vote anything but republican some time (from another thread), Focus on the Family did all the work for you.. http://focusfamaction.edgeboss.net/downloa..._2012letter.pdf ... and my predictions: Cleaner air all over the country Stricter protections on the environment Laws to enforce politicians will have to be more honest (transparency) Poor families will have more money Improved relations with countries all over, especially Europe
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