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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I bet you'd also like his education policy.. money for public college if you do community service or serve in the military.
  2. My offer to bet any amount of money on the election stands. My chickens are counted. McCain is going to get slaughtered.
  3. Ya, that is a skill that very few people ever attain. It's one of the greatest skills you can have if you ask me, learning to see your own weaknesses as they really are, and not letting pride get in the way.
  4. He must be a terrorist! Embrace change dude. It's over, new things are happening in this country.
  5. Ya those Ivy league voters are to dumb to vote with their brains.
  6. 90% of black voters voted for Gore. So the best you can say is that 5% are voting for Obama due to skin color. Lol @ your communist philosphy beliefs. That just tells me you have clearly not listened to a word Obama has said, and you are only listening to what McCain is saying Obama said.
  7. WTF? Tell me, when I vote, am I voting for a candidate or a party? Edit: Obama has said he's perfectly willing to put a republican on the bench. Again, you think he lied about that, I don't.
  8. So, you just agreed that black people dumb and only vote for Obama because of his skin color, and not because of the issues?
  9. Ya I know. I've weighed everything, and given McCain his due consideration. Obama is certainly worth voting for. Despite what fox news say, I believe him to be way more honest than McCain, and certainly he is much more intelligent. That plus his passion for the environment, and hate for corruption, and the ability to instantly change the bad guy outlook the U.S.A. has earned around the world. I do like this guy a lot. He's going to bring back the fireside chat, I think that is awesome. And I know you don't believe he's honest.. (and to a degree he's not, you are right) But like in the other thread where "clean coal" is a relative term, so is honesty. I believe (while still a liar from time to time) Obama one of the most honest politicians out there. That means a lot more to me than caring about his stance on gun control, or heathcare (which both candidate are going to f-up anyways). So in short: I'm sick of idiots, and corruption in our gov't. My bet is that Obama can fix that. Edit: I've listed this before.. here is what I'm hoping for out of the guy.. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...p;#entry1184176 I do also think he'll improve the economy, and I can deal with higher taxes or whatever, the taxes are not the end of the world.
  10. And of course black people are dumb, and don't have the ability to vote for Obama for real reasons. They just look at his skin color and don't give it a second thought.
  11. 1) Libertarian Party 73% 2) Constitution Party 67% 3) Republican Party 60% 4) Reform Party 53% 5) Green Party 40% 6) Democratic Party 20% 7) Natural Law Party 20% I'm cool with that, I like Ron Paul.
  12. Ya those lazy black folks who don't work ever always vote Obama.
  13. Ya! Wtf! (It's Escalante) .. here check this out clean burning coal Ok really I have no idea.. maybe it was Clinton abusing power... or just having to much power to beging with. But whatever the reasons, you'll have trouble ever convincing me any move that protects mother nature is bad, given the way we rape her.
  14. Ya, you'd never guess I usually vote republican. (true story). DC Tom.. This is interesting, I don't have time to read up on this, but want to. I will one of these days. I do not undertand how congress being out of session gives the President more powers. And wtf is congress doing paying to the election, does our government really just stop functioning right before every election? Something is fishy.
  15. No! I have never heard of the president having such abilities or doing such things before. It frightens me that any President can have such power, Clinton, Obama, or Bush. This completely betrays my understanding of the powers of the Presidential office. I'm not cool with it, and I do not understand why I seem to be the only one. The rest of you seem to want to just be all partisan and stuff.
  16. Dear Mr. McCain http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4hSZ_VtONk
  17. PAY ATTENTION FOLKS! The article says nothing of pardons. This involves regulation policies.
  18. Why do I get the feeling that the President has power that few people in this country actually understand. Where does he get the power to do this stuff? I mean the article says Clinton did the same thing. I do not get it, I thought Congress had to decide these things, and he just approved them. Perhaps I don't even know what the Presidents job is supposed to be. I really thought it was to "enforce laws, treaties, and court rulings".
  19. Well now.. turns out there have been many effigy's of Obama. There just hasn't been the overwhelming outcry that we all thought... (liberal media indeed!) Here are four separate instances, in different parts of the country: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26872774/ http://www.courier-journal.com/article/200...NEWS01/81029016 http://www.mercurynews.com/politics/ci_10856986 http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-...0,7764480.story
  20. Why would someone defend her? p.s. thanks a lot dickwad for wasting 3 minutes of my life on that video.
  21. Anyways.. at least there is one Republican in the media who has not gone off the deep end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eSJuWgZGYo (he's gunna get fired isn't he?)
  22. I still think it's funny that this idiot is being listened to more than Colin Powell.
  23. lol, Coach Tuesday that was 500 units of awesome. You get all of them, spend them wisely.
  24. I like how no one voted.. well except me and you Steely Dan. The only ones who think you are cool. .. and I have to admit, I lied when I voted.
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