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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I dunno, it's surprisingly easy to register to vote in a state. To register in Utah I had to show them like a utility bill. I didn't have a license or any real proof. I mean a electric bill has to be super easy to forge. So all I'm saying is, if you live on the border of Ohio or battleground state... it is possible. And if they say something, all you have to do is say you just moved into a new apt or something.
  2. Crazy day, Syracuse over Louisville, Texas Tech over Texas
  3. restart your computer.. i bet its a dns cache.
  4. Wacka pales in comparison with the stupidity of DBM, my personal pick for dumbest person currently active on TBD.
  5. no. I'm on the fence, there is good argument on both sides.
  6. whatever man, believe what you want.
  7. You could read the speech yourself you know.
  8. lol. not true. lol, again, not true. what planet do you get your info from?
  9. Do explain where you got the domestic spies concept from??? .. I have no idea what he meant by that either though, I should really like to know. I looked around a bit and Robert Gates seems to be the originator of the idea. It's so vague and generic that it's hard to tell what he really meant by it at all. What I won't do is wildly speculate crazy communist assertions like you have done. However if you should find any actual informed assertions on this, I should like to see them, please post. Edit: I dunno, I looked.. here is the most informed and non "crazy right wing blog posting" I could find on his military concepts. http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=3617492 This could be an example of one of the times that the media really has not questioned him enough on something (as opposed to fake news like his citizenship)
  10. No problem at all. I'm just saying that I bet people will like that about Obama. Faking a Roughing: Ya that is impressively accurate on his part.
  11. As far as not being born in the U.S., there are agencies and law enforcement officials who are very serious about their jobs and would gladly enforce that law. But since he is, in fact, a natural U.S. citizen, please give me a reason why the media should pay any attention to a non-issue at all. And as far as his grandmother goes... are you referring to the one who has not died yet?
  12. Ya seems logical, and so does the zoning idea.
  13. I know, JB either makes a lot of Gaffe's or just doesn't know how to think. It's true. 1. At least he exposes himself to the media and allows people to interview him. 2. In the 2.5 interviews Palin has done, she still dwarfs JB in her displays of stupidity.
  14. The job description of the VP is to take over the Presidency if the incumbent dies, retires, or is impeached. So Palin is also running for President, thank you very much.
  15. There are agency's and law enforcement officials who take their jobs very serious and would be just fine enforcing that law. You are acting like a conspiracy theorist.
  16. Audio included.. http://www.buffalobeast.com/99/chiarelli2.htm The also called Mayor Brown, but I think he was far less gullible.
  17. Gee from the way some people on this board talk.. you'd have thought he lived in Iran for three years instead of Indonesia.
  18. I dunno how you can not be embarrassed to have TBM on your side. Even you can see that he clearly lacks a nervous system.
  19. Oh man, the retard is back.
  20. Exactly! So it is thus impossible to think that Obama's statement was anything other than a momentary slip of the tongue. Palin on the otherhand has gone on a crusade of repeated acts of stupidity, and has refused to go on Meet the Press or Face the Nation because it's obvious she would only end up saying more stupid things. I have trouble understanding anyone who does not see how when Palin advocates helping those with "special needs" she is really trying to just help herself out.
  21. I remember when The Buffalo Beast did this to the Mayor of Ottawa, and got him to agree to pay a bribe for the Sabres to throw that game.
  22. Wait.. you are named Swede.. living in Australia.. and are voting in the U.S. election?
  23. Is online betting legal in the US? Is it legal to bet on there?
  24. Oh hello. I must have missed your prior post, sorry. Wait, why do I have to give you odds? Also, if we're going to do this, I think we'll need to find a third party escrow. I've bet someone on here once before, and they never paid me. Actually he stopped coming logging on to the site altogether. But no, really why do I have to give you odds?
  25. Gah, I knew I should have fact checked. Oops.
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