"Cory the Driller." ... he's got to be gay
Anyways.. its all statistics.. Obama is going to raise taxes on plenty of people. 5% of the population if I'm not mistaken. What is that 300 Million people in this country, so ... 15 million get higher taxes. That that means for every Cory the Driller, there are 20 "[name] the [Occupation]" who have a better life (and this is not to say Cory has a worse life under Obama, by any means)
.. not to mention, when Cory was "Cory the poor Driller", Obama's plans surely would have helped this dude get on his feet a
lot better.
What's more is that Obama's plan will help the economy. More money to more people means more is being circulated, and that means more peopel will have more to pay Cory to drill.
So great for Cory and his letter, but he's being penny wise and pound foolish if he thinks Obama's plan will not help him out.