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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Funny... the terrorist making us wave their flag is more what I see happening with McCain as pres. Except .. it would be the Chinese, not Iran
  2. "Cory the Driller." ... he's got to be gay Anyways.. its all statistics.. Obama is going to raise taxes on plenty of people. 5% of the population if I'm not mistaken. What is that 300 Million people in this country, so ... 15 million get higher taxes. That that means for every Cory the Driller, there are 20 "[name] the [Occupation]" who have a better life (and this is not to say Cory has a worse life under Obama, by any means) .. not to mention, when Cory was "Cory the poor Driller", Obama's plans surely would have helped this dude get on his feet a lot better. What's more is that Obama's plan will help the economy. More money to more people means more is being circulated, and that means more peopel will have more to pay Cory to drill. So great for Cory and his letter, but he's being penny wise and pound foolish if he thinks Obama's plan will not help him out.
  3. Just like sex?
  4. lol, you make me even happier to vote for Obama. I'll do it with a smile on my face.
  5. You were very nice to the team, I'd have given a few places lower grades than than you did.
  6. The Olbermann skit made me laugh a few times. It was about 10 minutes too long though. I dunno if it was accurate or not, but it was funny enough. I thought McCain was not funny though. Kind of yawn boring.
  7. Any given sunday dude, dont get confident, Bills fans should really know better.
  8. I said you are Unamerican. Anti-American. You undermine the fabric of this nation. However you want to call it, you do not help this nation grow stronger and better. Not with comments like that, at least.
  9. I bet they didn't see his middle name though, when lookng through the files. If they saw that, they'd know what we do, that he is definately a terrorist. ... or are you insinuating that Obama has connections with Bush and Cheney? Connection to those terrorist would surely end Obama's hopes of anything. (oops, sry you said serious, my bad)
  10. Hehe, well I guess I dont need to post here, everything has been said already.
  11. Yout are talking like a hick jewish terrorist communist rascist nazi muslim faggot wingnut socialist who can't keep his own woman in check.
  12. Ya I was gunna blame coaching.
  13. So much for your American pride eh? We have to fear China's wrath in our relations with them, so screw Taiwan and their quest for independence. But Mexico sucks balls and they have to suck up to us, so we can treat them like crap. Very honorable.
  14. Obama also wants everyone to be gay, and to spend all at least one weekend a month aborting babies.
  15. WTF? .. "She took on the imcumbant governor of her own party and beat him, and then she beat a former democratic governor in the election" Did he just list her winning an election as one of her qualifications?
  16. He quoted you in agreement. I don't understand the problem. "Fans like these" as in the crazy guy who started the thread, and does not deserve a football team to cheer for.
  17. LOL. Sure sign of ignorant person with no real intelligence with which to make an argument is that they simply fling insults with no backing behind them. Ralph is not this years problem. PromoTheRobot was agreeing with you, you dunce.
  18. Ya, Ralphs run blocking is vital to this teams success.
  19. 289, 1 TD, 2 INT I think Trent can defend himself.
  20. Ya better hope a new team shows up next week, or we're doomed.
  21. why didn't shonert call a run play on 1st down and 14? I'm very pissed about that.
  22. Lol. you are assuming they would be smart enough to figure out how to kill anyone ever Naw I kid, there has already been one attempt on Obama.
  23. CNN is Liberal, of course they have Obama winning.
  24. I have a NY drivers license still, so I don't think that helped me at all - I voted in the primaries.
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