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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Well.. they were also the one who elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura, so..
  2. Phase two of happiness? or is there a step in between excitement and disappointment?
  3. Because of the fact that they are not credible?
  4. Ya, McCains got the vote 2,290 to 1,456 right now.
  5. I think Turk was trying to make Edwards look bad out of spite.
  6. Naw Election has already been decided by the Redskins... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/n...r-monday-night/ Obama won.
  7. He lost me at the flawed "democrats need the poor" logic
  8. yawn. ... so anyone else going to an Obama celebration party tomorrow? I am, I'm excited about it.
  9. Ya far as I know.. its not a bad term to use. ... unless you are trying to be mean about it.
  10. Well.. we'll have to just disagree on that. It is a matter of opinion, you are right. And our opinions differ. We'll just have to vote on it. See you at the polls.
  11. Lol. Can't argue that.
  12. If it gets to bad, everyone will start voting for republicans. That's just how it works.
  13. Is that a joke. I think the long lines are an affront to the democratic process. The media has covered this and scrutinized it heavily. Reform on the voting process is being demanded and promised. This is an outrage and people are rightly outraged by it.
  14. Lol that is awesome.
  15. How does welfare change under Obama? Does welfare get taxed anyways? I haven't seen him or McCain say anything on anything that would change regarding welfare. People who get taxed have jobs. Obama wants to lower taxes on people who have jobs. Are you saying that lowering taxes on people with jobs qualifies as "Incentivising failure and lazyness"??? :sigh: This is one of those threads that is really take up a lot of my time, and away from me being productive at work today. See what Cory and his misinformed letter has done, he is taking away from the economy because people are forced to respond to his ignorance.
  16. I think under Obama people at 250k keep the same tax rate they have now. Either way, 250k is a comfortable wage in this country, you can afford a small tax raise certainly. I do think the brunt of the tax hikes falls on people making much more. Those people are going to have to cut down on their botox injections and such
  17. Lol wut? Do tell. ... also, are you being racist?
  18. True!! To bad this is not a utopia though! Taxes have to happen. We need police and public services and and such. So taxing those with more to tax and taxing as smaller portion of the population is fine. I say, I really don't feel bad taxing a guy who owns a 20 million dollar home. Democrats do not love taxes. You seem to think they love to tax people or something. They have simply accepted that taxes must happen because this is real life, and real things need to be paid for. Taxes did not exist when this country was founded. Real life set in and a debt built up and so congress had to be given the power to tax.
  19. And how is Obama getting in the way of that?
  20. I see that as basic economics... More people with money means that more people are buying things. More people buying things means that more people are making money, and more people making money means more people buying things .... and repeat That is all the economy is: cash flowing from one person to another.
  21. *Everyone* has a story dude. If we all took time to appreciate everyone else's great story nothing would get done. He is not unique, everyone has a story.
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