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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. It's good to have your old avatar back!
  2. I think the end point is that she is frighteningly stupid. If she does not know such basic things, how would she ever be able to make an informed policy decision? She wouldn't, she would make a policy decision, but I fully lack confidence that it would be informed. And to me, this is not about Sarah Palin, it is simply the thought that someone who knows so little about anything can come so close to being one of the most powerful government officials in the US. It probalby has happened before, and will happen again. ... If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.
  3. This is pretty serious. Fox News is ripping apart a Republican. One who was almost our Vice President. This is not a joke.
  4. Understated, but accurate Do explain.. why is that bad? At least he does not believe in a fictional God and a storybook as inerrant truth.
  5. I still wish Golisano won when he ran for gov. He'd have been an excellent governator.
  6. That's how it's always been in Buffalo though. Also, to let you know, Erie County voted overwhelmingly democrat.. http://www.erieelectionresults.com/results/NYS.html http://www.erieelectionresults.com/us.aspx
  7. Well outside of that, it was a great post.
  8. Dangit there is more to america than abortion. Stop voting on that one single issue.
  9. Ya I agree. Also, I think him being black helped him in the primaries. Otherwise.. no way he beat clinton.
  10. Tito the Builder Arugula
  11. That's how I've felt in every single election before this one. I hated Bush 1 and Dukakis, I hated Clinton, I hated Dole, and I hate the other Bush, and I hated Gore, and I hated Kerry. So.. finally I like a guy.. Obama.
  12. Ya I like Canada too much to inflict you with him. I'll chip in to Fed-Ex him to Pakistan though.
  13. Ya I know! McCain supporters booed their president during his speech, Alaska just elected a convicted felon. WTF is wrong with republicans, next thing you know, they'll be burning flags.
  14. Oh man, can't we all just be happy. It's over, he's our man.
  15. I'm not even sure if I consider him human. Anyways.. ya I hope republicans can get away from that crazy conservative christian stuff.
  16. LOL, I learned long ago you can't take any of the insanity of here serious. You just have to laugh at it and make sarcastic jokes. Anyways, brace yourself for this.. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1888086
  17. Ya, I'm suddenly feeling the need to burn an American flag. Maybe afterwards I'll abort something.
  18. I don't get these "yes we can" back and forths with the crowd. Such a strange thing.
  19. DBM, I'll lay off you when you realize that your outlook on life is completely wrong and you live in a sheltered little bubble where you do not have serious exposure to the fights and sorrows of your fellow man. You do not consider both sides of the argument, you only see your side. Realistically I think it would take tragedy being thrust upon you for your eyes to ever open. If that ever will happen to you, only the future knows.
  20. I just wish McCain could have beaten W in 2000.
  21. I'd rather this guy move to India or somewhere very far away. Actually DBM, I was hoping you died of a heart attack or something. It is a sad day that you are still alive. Indeed.
  22. And everyone will have to turn gay and all women have to have weekly abortions and homeless people will make more money than bill gates. We know.
  23. I'd just like to say... Trent Edwards = RJ
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