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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. That's awesome. New Zealand is on our side!
  2. I gotta blame the O (or lack of) for all of our losses except Arizona. I mean not 100% of blame on the offense, but a good majority of it.
  3. I know he has an Ipod. You sure that's not what you are remembering?
  4. Cheating? Yah, I guess I can't argue. Perhaps the OP shold have said if cheating counts as success?
  5. I've decided I'm going to root fo Tenn to go 19-0. I have no personal vendetta against them, they've always been a respectable team that plays good football. On top of that, it would just be really fun to see a team go 19-0 the season after the *18-1 season, just to rub it in the *pasty's faces.
  6. ah thanks dudes, I always wanted a birthday thread. too bad I wasn't around to see it
  7. http://www.family.org/sharedassets/corresp...ming_Debate.pdf I'm not the one you need to convince. You get the IPCC and other scientific consensus boards to change their mind, I'll go right along with em without asking a question. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1686 But as to address your "It's lost the required qualities that make a scientific theory", I do suppose now that you mention it, this one is a bit different than other theories. The problem with this one is that time is of the utmost importance. I suppose technically we do not have time to debate it much longer, we really need to do something now (as in yesterday). So perhaps you are right, but it's not science or crazy tree huggers that have pushed it to a religion, its the fact that humanity could be in danger if we don't respond in a timely manner.
  8. That is only because the other side uses the Bible and not science as it's defense. And thus the other side loses all credibility.
  9. I wish we would fund more research into this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7rNYzSH-BA I never claimed to be a scientist. I just claimed to believe the leading current theories.
  10. And the oceans that are turning into plastic soup... what do you make of that? (and I'm struggling to believe you are even close to a scientist)
  11. Well, there are theories, it is science after all. http://www.sentex.net/~tcc/iceage.html But since you (Wacka) don't believe in science, what makes you think an ice age existed at all? Isn't that just some silly gibberish that the scientists make up? Or do you get to pick and choose which theories you trust in?
  12. Lol, well ya. I'm glad you remember the scientific method from 4th grade. It's all about gathering data and drawing best possible theories from it. So while there is no proof (and likely never will be). The best possible theory certainly says it's caused by humans. Why do you hate science so much?
  13. Great question. I have a few theories and could probably write a long essay on it. One is that the Bible has changed to keep with the times. Even the Change from King James to New King James to NIV has taken some of the more obvious contradictions out of the Bible. (Sermon on the plain anyone?). But I think the biggest thing is that overall it's a very plausible religion and has no real sticking points that are super obvious flaws in it. But I suppse I could ask the same question to you about Islam. Is Islam true, and if so, why do you not believe in it, and if not, how can it be around for such a long time? Ya but you would vote for McCain based on his pro-life stance. Or some other guidance you've got that he is the more Christian candidate. I also have never read anything about global warming in the Bible (there is nothing about it) http://www.family.org/sharedassets/corresp...ming_Debate.pdf
  14. Well that's just jumping to conclusions. Where did I say I thought it was an inside job? http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1180467
  15. Yeah, here is my biggest probem: Global Warming. Science obviously shows that global warming is caused by humans and is very real. Somehow Christians got the idea that Global Warming is not consistent with the Bible (even though it's not mentioned in the Bible at all). So the 56% of this country that claims to be Christian keeps voting for politicians who aren't going to do a thing to stop the polution. And those of us who trust in science are getting scared and backed into a corner because the consequences are unkown and are not going to be good. So the only way to fight back is to prove to the Christians that their religion is one big hoax. And I promise, any amount of research on the history of the Bible verifies that claim. Gay marriage rights is just an afterthought and not a danger to humanity, more than it is just plain old "not nice".
  16. Either that or a Christian who is able to separate his politics from his beliefs, and understand that his beliefs are not founded in science and are not the beliefs of many.
  17. Cuz you a playa, and he's hates playa's
  18. Hmm.. that's twice I've agreed with you on something. I need to go take a shower.
  19. Can I be "Director of beating people with a baseball bat when they are stupid"?
  20. lol wut? you are just straight up hating on obama.
  21. Ya the daily show is all sorts of boring to watch now.
  22. Just like Obama wants me to do! Cuz he's all coloured and stuff.
  23. Obamaday is my favourite day of the week.
  24. What? Even Fox News was saying that Obama was a terrorist Morman. It's perfectly legit.
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