Mr. Tom, your a good man with, obviously, a very smart head on your shoulders. I still say you are wrong on this. And of course, I'm not qualified to fully argue on this (though I did link to IPCC's paper above ) You seem to concede most major points I would want from any human - The air, earth, and water are not as clean as they could be, and they are only getting worse at the moment. Is that agreeable, at least?
I have a hard time believing that arguing with anthropogenic global warming is a crime or frowned upon in the world of science. I mean that's what science does, argue with itself. Perhaps it is possible the cooling really does mean global warming is getting worse? I mean money can't be the motive, Exxon or whoever I'm sure would love to sponsor research that did say the world really was cooling.
Anyways, you have labeled it "religion" but I prefer "urgent".
Yeah, I have seen those studies that say the Prius does more damage to the environment than Hummer, just because of the manufacturing footprint. I'm all about the road bike myself. I wish everyone rode one of those things to work.