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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. no wait, don't lock it. he makes such excellent points that no one else has ever mentioned!
  2. And yet, I'll never stop.
  3. If we beat the Browns and the 49ers this team is 8-4 and in 1st place in the division, and you have nothing to complain about. Even the Titans let up 20+ points several times this year. No defense is perfect all of the time. Nothing except lack of offense caused both of those losses. We could be 8-4 if our offense knew how to do anything.
  4. ok, but the defense is fine, and not the problem on this team. unless you think 3 points is enough to beat the 49ers?
  5. could be worse, could be better.
  6. Yeah we know, there is always a few bad apples. You could take any group of millions of people and find similar distastful actions. Priest raping boys, preachers stealing money, it's all there and part of every group.
  7. Our crappy team really is a marvel to behold.
  8. That team would have made the playoffs. This is a different team than the one that started the season. I want that old team back.
  9. Mr. Tom, your a good man with, obviously, a very smart head on your shoulders. I still say you are wrong on this. And of course, I'm not qualified to fully argue on this (though I did link to IPCC's paper above ) You seem to concede most major points I would want from any human - The air, earth, and water are not as clean as they could be, and they are only getting worse at the moment. Is that agreeable, at least? I have a hard time believing that arguing with anthropogenic global warming is a crime or frowned upon in the world of science. I mean that's what science does, argue with itself. Perhaps it is possible the cooling really does mean global warming is getting worse? I mean money can't be the motive, Exxon or whoever I'm sure would love to sponsor research that did say the world really was cooling. Anyways, you have labeled it "religion" but I prefer "urgent". Yeah, I have seen those studies that say the Prius does more damage to the environment than Hummer, just because of the manufacturing footprint. I'm all about the road bike myself. I wish everyone rode one of those things to work.
  10. Don't die of old age!!!
  11. I'm confused.. are we or are we not agreed that anthropogenic global warming is just a theory? And if we can agree that it's a theory, I would like to say that myself and the IPCC agree that it is "likely true". It seems you do not. I got the people who've earned global recognition on my side though. I bet the old woman is on my side also
  12. I'm not a big fan either. Her speech this morning, she started off with this overly political sounding address to New York state. It made me cringe. I learned to not hate her during the primaries at least. I've got my fingers crossed that she'll work out.
  13. Same here. He's got 4 years before any of us can vote again.
  14. Well yeah, but you can form theories from computer models. And a theory is what anthropogenic global warming is. (i lerned a new word). Here is the quote from the the IPCC, the guys who got the Nobel Peace Prize. Tell me where they use the word proof in it. "TMost of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations" "It is more likely than not that human influence has contributed to a global trend towards increases in area affected by drought since the 1970s and the frequency of heavy precipitation events." http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr.pdf Do a text search, they use the words "likely" and "unlikely" all over the place. Not once do they say "prove" or "proof". I suppose at some point you had to start with a theory that the yeast would/could change via human intervention. "I will not go quietly into the night, I will rage rage against the dying of the light!"
  15. Doesn't matter, Dick clearly stated mid 20's was his goal for Lynch each game. He can't even stick to his own goals, I mean he's not even close I don't think.
  16. He's donated stuff.. http://buffalo.bizjournals.com/buffalo/sto...08/daily11.html Anyways, are you saying you'd rather Bills never existed?
  17. Let's grab John Beck!!!
  18. Photosynthesis? Deforestation? I've heard that ethanol is just the worst idea ever. It take more energy to product the stuff than we gain from it. http://www.ncpa.org/sub/dpd/index.php?Article_ID=13652
  19. They can not prove that ciggarettes are addictive. Unless they prove it, I won't believe it.
  20. Go sit in the rainforest in South America and think about how how much CO2 that place converts into Oxygen. Then think about how that the place you are in is dissapearing at a rate of 4% per year.
  21. lol, he must be the anti-christ.
  22. Go sit in front of a coal power plant and stare at it for a few hours. Then think about how there are millions of buildings polluting just as much as that or more, all over the planet.
  23. Neither does your side. Or does the fact that your side has been in control of the military for the past 8 elude you?
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