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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. We're all gunna die.
  2. Britain banned guns? Oh goodness, terrible. Terrible idea!
  3. http://makewealthhistory.files.wordpress.c...e-consensus.jpg
  4. Well, not in the last 8 years has anyone used that approach.
  5. I've watched a few final episodes, you have to admit there is talent on that stage when it comes to the last few contestants.
  6. http://www.instantrimshot.com/
  7. The two family system
  8. I think that GLB thread was the longest ever.
  9. Lol, ya. I was hoping boomer would do that. I thought maybe if he actually did some work and reasearched this for himself, that it might sink into his head how wrong his original assertion is. Instead we end up calling him creten which, while true, I doubt benefits anything.
  10. Hmm.. I always wondered what the word compassion meant.
  11. Hey, do me a favor, I'd like to see some research on how many more blacks voted for Obama than voted for Gore/Kerry. In any case.. do I really need to say this? At least he actually won the popular vote.
  12. I'm very sorry not enough money is being put into research and cure your ailment.
  13. Your hypotheicals and non-realistic responses the given hypotheicals make so much sense. They make me want to believe whatever it is that you believe.
  14. I'm sure it crossed Cheney's mind. As for Bush himself, I think he realized that he was beat. He seemed to lack the desire to be president anymore after the election. Felt like he just wanted to get out and hand things over. Like it finally hit him that he was in over his head or something. Oh come on, that is economy stimulation in full effect right there.
  15. Why do all of your options have "represent my views"? Why does the president have to represent my views? Why are my views right? I'm smart enough to know that I don't know everything. Anyone who thinks their views are always right is a fool. Goodness, all I want is someone very intelligent and full of integrity in office. The rest is just gravy.
  16. Texas and Alaska take that cake.
  17. Yes, be careful, she might start drinking babies blood. I've heard of that type of thing happening. They learn it at those terrorist camps all of the gays go to. Satan is always temping people with the lure of penis in the butt. It's the 8th deadly sin that no one mentions, it's called Buttsecks. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride, Buttsex.
  18. Both are on teams that are carried by the defenses.
  19. I'm suprised those people were able to figure out how to use the interwebs enough to make a page.
  20. I'm telling you, I'd do it myself if you lined em all up in front of me. I just don't think it's possible though. There are too many and they are scattered all over and very hard to identify. It's just not a possible task to identify them all. And I'm not a big fan of living in fear and spying on our own citizens either. That means to me that they have won.
  21. We're all happy. Point is, it will not happen.
  22. I'd rather see Hamdon. At least he's an unkown.
  23. That is also despite a pitiful offense that can't hold onto the ball long enough to give the D a rest ever.
  24. What? All I'm saying is that the offense sucks. The offense is the reason we lost those two games recently. I'm also saying the defense has played well enough all season to get into the playoffs.
  25. Didn't you mean nucular? Also, I don't know how to do math, I can't even read I think this planet is just over populated and we're !@#$ed even if we fix the CO2 problem. So perhaps nuclear plants would help us by killing off the people who aren't strong and resistant to nuclear waste like I am.
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