yes it's legal
The law is something along the lines of "any signal broadcast can be used for any purpose that does not interfere with the signal itself"
I'm curious, what are you alluding to? I really have no idea. I mean my guess is the stimulus? But with that, a lot of money is going to the wealthy also. So I'm confused what you are trying to point out.
That is a misconception on your part. They have accepted the necessary evil that is taxes are needed to make this country function.
Who the f%&$ loves to raise taxes?
Well, I mean that's a debate unto itself. Are American lives greater that the lives of others? If so, how much greater?
Thats in the same vein as that whole "if you kill one person to save two, was it morally correct?" debate.
I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with anything anyways. True or not. I mean what, do senators support his Bills or something because they think his ancestors were slaves? That just makes no sense. Does the SS protect him because he's black? I don't care if the statement by Coulter was true or false, it's is completely irrelevent and has nothing to do with anything that is useful.
She's acting like an internet troll with that statement.
OK. I'll go ahead and make the assumption that you know more than hundreds of congressmen and aids and advisors on both sides of the isle who are assembling this plan.
I just hated her because she is stupid. Who really cares if she's a divider or not? I'm assuming under the right cirumstances "dividers" can be a good thing.