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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. This whole msg board is living in 1986.
  2. Lol. wut? Now you are just making stuff up. Have you any data to back that statement up? Why are you not rich if you can predict the market?
  3. The Bush time machine you mean? You are not so crazy that you would think Obama caused any of this, right? He's the one trying to fix it. George Bush drove us off the cliff. Don't be a history revisionist.
  4. the globe will warm and Obama will be the anti-christ and then everyone will die and it will be armageddon and your silly bible prophecies will be right and you will go to heaven because you were a good person. is that what you want to hear? are we done yet, can we get serious about these things now?
  5. It's always hard to take someone serious when they have to make things up or exaggerate in order to make their point.
  6. Lol wat? Yes, anyone who's father hands them everything in life on a silver platter definitely has a hard road.
  7. Yeah this thread is embarrassing, both as a Bills fan and a regular on The Stadium Wall.
  8. I saw the lions were bringing him in to interview.
  9. Also, remember when Jindal was mocking that train funding and called it wasteful... http://www.nola.com/news/index.ssf/2009/02...w_orleansb.html
  10. Lol, I bet you anything that when all is said and done, he spends less money than Bush after his four years.
  11. Come on.. you can't blame Obama that 10 times as many people wanted to see his inauguration than did Bush. Outside of that, I hate Clinton as much as you, so ... I guess if you want to trash him.. go ahead. I think it's old news though.
  12. wat?!?! wow. that is news.
  13. lol http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/020...na.html?showall http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/...y_was_false.php I suppose big news like that deserves its own thread.. whatever though. conservatives love them some georgebobbyjindalbushpalin and nothing is going to change that.
  14. lol, you are right .. we should not even bother to show up on sundays
  15. BNL is still around? Did one of them get busted by the feds for growing weed or something. I could swear one of them was in federal prison.
  16. Anyways.. I don't know about "most economists" or not, but come on, you can't deny that there is certainly a good amount of them who say its not enough.
  17. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=e...mp;aq=1&oq=
  18. http://www.flickr.com/photos/oep/3310382528/
  19. "Top stories in Opinion" uhm ... ya
  20. lol. I like how you assume that what Obama is doing is not based on research. I promise he doesn't like taxes any more than you do. He's just looked at history and seen that during our best periods of of economic prosperity have involved some higher taxes (see the 50's and 60's) and some of our worst times have involved lower taxes (see Calvin Coolidge and GWB). I'm sure it's much more complicated than that.. and much more research has gone into it than I have put in. Obama does not go off of principal or personal philosophy, he goes off of historical event, facts, figures, numbers, research, etc. He consults people who are experts in their field.
  21. What? I guess I could also say to you - if you are too ignorant to even look into the legislation, then why come on here and automatically flame in opposition to it?
  22. Those poor millionaires. They have it so hard.
  23. lol. I like how it says "Liberty At Stake" and then just says that we are reverting to laws from 15 years ago.
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