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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. fine, make me read the stupid aricle.. Listen, if the hospitals are 100% private as (I believe PETA is) then your analogy would fit. And if they are 100% private then I think they are not forced to perform abortions.. So I think this is a big much ado about nothing. The Hospitals won't have to change anything, they just want to be loud an obnoxious because they can be. Over exaggerating the stance of your opponent in a debate and then attacking the exaggeration is always a way to get people on your side. So lets be clear, these private hospitals will not be forced to perform abortions. They are hyping this up as a scare tactic. End of story.
  2. the real world Buffalo?
  3. Because Marines don't do other things besides shoot people? It's part of their job, but not all of it.
  4. Lol, this is hilarious. Think on the bright side, your message to the Bills that you want them to actually make big moves was clearly communicated through this.
  5. That's like saying can a marine be forced to go into battle if it's against his beliefs to shoot someone. Well no, but so also he can't have the job of being a marine. Can a garbage man be forced to pick up garbage if its against his beliefs to touch garbage. No, but then he can't be a garbage man.
  6. i can't find any stream of this thing . audio or visual.
  7. lol, you made it sound as if someone was forcing them to close. that would be kind of like forcing someone to have a baby they don't want.
  8. Lol. Can any republican do wrong in your eyes? One of these days you should take off those rose coloured glasses. The dude did a lot of things wrong. To me, this is one of the worst - http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/presidentb...heney-lied.html
  9. So Wacka, you don't think Cheney was corrupt? I just assumed everyone thought he was a very corrupt person. This is news to me that people don't think he is related to the Emperor.
  10. If I tell you to go !@#$ yourself, will you listen to me? No? What if Matt Drudge reported that I told you to, would you do it then? Ya? Cool. (let me report this just like Matt Drudge would) This just in UBinVa is !@#$ing himself!
  11. Except for the time when they did a town hall style debate you mean? I'm sure he knows very well how to speak without having something written down. I also am sure he's much smarter than you and knows that millions of people hang on his every word and he cannot afford to misspeak. Also I'm sure he knows that every president before him has done just about the same thing. Also I'm sure you have no real reason to attack the guy and are making up stupid issues like this to make yourself feel better.
  12. Ahh the make believe if ____ then _____ defense. Yes the sword and shield of the republican arguement, hypothetical scenarios. And curse Obama for using technology. Reading off of a piece of paper was just fine. Kids these days and their damn teleprompters. *shakes fist*
  13. I had high hopes that when I opened this thread it would be purely informative and not you flinging pointless insults. What was I thinking?
  14. Uhm??? The first one makes some wild accusations at the beginning and then never substantiates them with any data, or facts or anything... well substantial. The second one blames congress for Geithner not having any help.
  15. Ya, I do really like the guy a lot. I've been very happy with him so far. Few small things have irked me... but he's definitely got the benefit of the doubt with me. Also... I don't worship Reagan like the rest of you guys do.
  16. Who said he was recklessly throwing money at the problem? Looks to me like he's throwing money at it in a very calculated and organized way.
  17. Give the man some time. Can't fix every problem in his first month and a half.
  18. I agree with those. I just don't think Coles is the answer. He's not the same player he used to be. Whats more is, yes, I do think Steve Johnson could fill those shoes if given the chances. Hopefully he will get it.
  19. Hi! Haven't you done a good job on not educating yourself, and just hating on Obama for no actual reason. Very nice! 1. All earmarks are not bad, some are needed to make this country function. 3. Earmark total is down from last year by I think a half of a billion 3. Obama wants to get earmarks to 1994 levels (not get rid of them) 4. Republicans have proportionally far more earmarks headed their way than the dems 5. this guy is the biggest culprit
  20. Home Movies used to be my favourite. That show was great! ATHF always cracks me up though.
  21. Thanks Tim for doing this! My personal opinion is that the Bills no longer have the money to truly compete in the NFL. They have not for years. It's not Ralph Wilson's fault, he does what he can with the money he has. You have lived in Buffalo, you know the economics of the city. Do you think Buffalo is at a disadvantage just due to lack of money? How big of a disadvantage? Follow up, if you have thoughts: Since the Bills do so well at ticket sales, why do you think Ralph Wilson rarely raises ticket prices to cover the costs and attempt to compete.
  22. You mean the inflated stock market prices that burst and caused this whole mess we are in?
  23. Ya I personally don't want Coles in Buffalo, because our boy Steve Johnson is set to take the reigns as the number 2.
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