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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. lol, I'm starting to like Soprano3695
  2. Marshawn is future HOF?
  3. mm... It was a whole article of them defending Cramer.. and then saying at the end "not that we want to defend Cramer"
  4. I suppose saying "our friends at CNBC" in response to a direct question about the guy constitutes "going after him"? Going after him would be if Gibbs brought up the name of Cramer on his own. This one irks me on so many levels. First off what the hell crap do I care about any democrats? !@#$ the democrats. I do not care what party anyone is in. Just because you republicans stick by Rush Limbaugh no matter how absolutely insane everything he says is? I like President Barack Obama and other choice people. I hate the party and I hate that political parties exist in the first place. Second.. I find it laughable that you are giving anyone a hard time for demonizing anyone. Tell me you've not demonized Obama? Or at least, tell me republicans have not demonized him? They make up entirely untrue things about him being the arugula eating muslim terrorist socialist who is not a citizen. None of that is even close to true. If that is not demonizing, then I do not know what is. I see the pot calling the kettle black is what I see.
  5. Well lets start with your statement that "the fact the WHITE HOUSE is going after Cramer". Do tell, what White House rep or employee or anyone having anything to do with the White House has attacked Cramer?
  6. Wow. Rkfast you are hopelessly stupid. Please stop posting, its sort of painful to read the words masquerading as thought that you inflict on us all. Edit: lol.. I typed this post before reading the one above it. I stand by what I said.
  7. I think the concept is that congress has better things to do that spend its time re-doing this bill. Its not horrible, and as far as I know none of the earmarks are outright evil. And the earmarks are like 2% of the total spending in the bill. Sometimes you just have to let things go because its not productive to the country to fight them.
  8. Ha, I just watched it. There was definitely a lot of Jim Cramer saying "you're right". I don't see what tears you are talking about though. I think that is exaggeration. I've never watched his show, but I don't see how he can go back to doing it without completely changing the format.
  9. I still say you are not giving him enough time. Despite what you think, Obama is not superman and can only do so much at one time.
  10. I didn't start any insane threads stating that Obama winning the democratic nomination was the cause of the drop in the dow. My *only* point is that we only should be waiting to see. Things turned out alright under ronald. My problem is there is three threads in this forum blaming stock market problems on Obama. People have posted over and over that he's the one "driving the train off the cliff". WTF? That just makes my head hurt. Those same people are the people who worship reagan. So I used their hero as an example that things take time!!! Give Obama time!!! At least a year, but more likely two years. I do not understand what you are inferring anyways. Just doesn't make any sense.
  11. lol I dig that. FYI to those same crazy people.. look at the stock market after (your beloved) reagan got elected. I think it went down for like a year straight.
  12. Democracy now is the absolute best. I was wondering if anyone else listened/watched to that that show. Absolutely informative and accurate and always ahead of the curve.
  13. Did you just tell everyone to stop talking about Owens, and then proceed to spend a full paragraph talking about him?
  14. Oh I thought this was a "predict his stats" thread. That will be interesting to try to predict!
  15. that would rock. be nice if they got us in before the team moved to T.O.
  16. Goodness I hope this is finally the year we cut denney
  17. Well now we know his true reason for not liking Obama, he does not like people with black skin.
  18. Dude you're a total conspiracy theorist right now.
  19. I responded to this analogy here: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1345193
  20. Why would you despise TO? What did he ever do to you? I always thought his antics were silly, but I've never hated him or anything.
  21. pfff.. someone compare T.O.'s touchdowns for the past 5 years against all the touchdowns the whole Bills receiving corps has caught in the last five years. That will be sobering.
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