I suppose saying "our friends at CNBC" in response to a direct question about the guy constitutes "going after him"?
Going after him would be if Gibbs brought up the name of Cramer on his own.
This one irks me on so many levels. First off what the hell crap do I care about any democrats? !@#$ the democrats. I do not care what party anyone is in. Just because you republicans stick by Rush Limbaugh no matter how absolutely insane everything he says is? I like President Barack Obama and other choice people. I hate the party and I hate that political parties exist in the first place.
Second.. I find it laughable that you are giving anyone a hard time for demonizing anyone. Tell me you've not demonized Obama? Or at least, tell me republicans have not demonized him? They make up entirely untrue things about him being the arugula eating muslim terrorist socialist who is not a citizen. None of that is even close to true. If that is not demonizing, then I do not know what is.
I see the pot calling the kettle black is what I see.