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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. In defense of the Bills, none of those guys were any good.
  2. heh, thats great. i wonder is espn will cover that.
  3. I had to stop reading right there. That is a flat out lie and shows me you've not done your research.
  4. LA, yeah man your right. and curse those damn nosy government paid cops and their crime stopping way. ... there is a balance man. I think helping people who had a freeking hurricane level their house is not exactly crazy.
  5. So are you saying the very logical and reasonable arguments against Bush should not be made. That he took us into an Iraq war we did not need to be in, that he approved of torturing people, that he did not seek council and advice from the best and brightest in a field, that there is no historical precedent that show his tax cuts for the rich help the economy, that his foreign policy isolated the U.S. and made people around the world hate us, that he mishandled the katrina disaster, that his administration illegally hired and fired people based on political stance and not on expertise or ability, that he bullied the white house lawyers into doing what he wanted. And that's not a comprehensive list. You are saying all of these arguments which have evidences and reasonable arguments against him should not be made? And as for your #2, yeah I know I agree that's what I just said.
  6. Well, he commented on this directly in his PC last night. Seems reasonable why he wanted this.
  7. right now my problems in politics are twofold.. 1. people who try to demonize obama (aka "obama caused the stock market to crash" type folks) 2. people who vote based on a candidates abortion stance (there are 100's of other issues) i haven't seen sweet baboo do either. i have seen you do both.
  8. very cool sweet baboo, I've got no problems with you or your stances.
  9. Ack. sorry not kurds.. I get my middle east sects all mixed up. The Sunni's .. there is plenty of info if you google it. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle2413200.ece
  10. dude.. Bush was paying kurds in iraq to not fight with us. that money was mostly going overseas and not being spent in the usa.
  11. It's money that needs to be spent anyways dude. How much do you value the safety of Alaskan citizens?
  12. Well princess, what you like to talk about?
  13. You know... when I was doing some research I found out there is some strong speculation and logic that says he didn't even write Thessalonians. The theory has a good amount of data to back it up and says that it was a forgery with his name on it. Because putting Pauls name on something meant instant legitimacy back then.
  14. I've still not figured out how to word this clearly. The Bible, without doubt, has nothing to do with God (if one or many exists). It's records of supernatural events and "miracles" are all completely false. Some of its historical events are likely accurate, but that is to be taken with a grain of salt. Mistakes abound for many reasons, including intentional and accident errors when writing and/or copying the texts. It's a book, a normal book having as much to do with God as anything Mark Twain wrote.
  15. dow is up a few hundred today. I bet dick cheney did it.
  16. RkFast I left because I reached a point where I could no longer honestly deny the fact that the bible no more written by God than any other book was. Once you don't trust the Bible as the divine anymore, the rest of your beliefs have no choice but to go out the window also. And once a fetus is no longer a soul and no longer does there exists a heaven or hell, well who care to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want. It's just not that big of a deal, a sperm and egg got together a few weeks before. Whatever. It's not like this fetus has the ability to form memories or makes friends or communicate with anything. It's as human as the cow that is in the burger you are going to eat for lunch. Whatever, I am stepping on some toes here. Being so straightforwardly practical is bound to be offensive to someone.
  17. well that is a simplistic response to a complicated problem. are fetuses humans even? what about stem cells then? how does abortions compare to killing in war, or death penalty? what about planetary overpopulation? what about statistical data that shows more abortions correlates to less crime? what of mothers who flat out cannot or should not take care of the child? the real question is - at what point does the thing turn from non-human to human? (and thus having rights).
  18. interesting. could i get you to state your stance on like gay rights.. and abortions?
  19. It's not inside info, its all well documented and published and info that we've known for hundreds of years. Church goers just don't like to believe it because if they do it means there is no magical place called heaven. Even founding father Thomas Jefferson 200 years ago knew enough to know that that Bible was not divine and he tried to fix it.
  20. That was a pretty good read. Very level headed. I kept thinking any second it was going to get nasty and have some crazy attack in it. Never happened. I'm almost shocked.
  21. lol... here is some similar logic to the "Obama did it to the Dow" people http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/3/2...-50-drop-in-Dow
  22. LA, If it means anything, I feel that the (ironically named) "Fairness Doctine" is an affront to civil liberties and to the First Amendment. Anyone supporting that crap has put them self on serious rocky ground as far as getting a vote out of me. Obviously Obama opposes it also, I might turn on him right there and then if he ever supported that terrible idea.
  23. Since leaving the church I've really grown a disdain for "conservatives" and Christians and such. Especially since I now know that the book they base most of their political beliefs on (the bible) is not divine as they think it is.
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