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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I don't get it. Is he going to blow up more buildings or something so we can go back to that mentality?
  2. He won when our own gov't start spying on us, and flying at an airport became living hell with the laptop confiscations and shoes and everything, and every public event is a security nightmare. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4176/n328...35226655435.jpg But I'm glad you finally agree
  3. Naw, I'm more referring to the White House lawyers who let him walk all over them.
  4. lol, wut? you are crazy.
  5. Ya I said democratic dictator earlier. He had very little restriction on his power, outside the re-election thing. At least the repub's were not so crazy that they let him break that law also. so that's good.
  6. No really, do tell, what makes you think he's lying here? (you know, outside of your wishful thinking) His kind is the majority on TBD. By far. If it doesn't feel that way, it's only because you guys can't hold up your own in your arguments. I can count the Obama supporters here on one hand.
  7. Well let's see, Hitler... .. was religious and fought against atheism .. hated communism .. hated gays .. hated pornography and prostitution .. put country over individual rights I'll let you draw your own conclusions what political party he would belong to.
  8. The Freedomites that live in northern Idoho have said the name offends them. Edit: lol I was joking. Turns out they are real people
  9. Only if by "you" you mean Republican (and democrat) House of Representative members. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/02/13/kat...ress/index.html http://katrina.house.gov/
  10. I don't know why I'm still arguing here. This whole thing was handled perfectly. Name one thing that could have been improved upon in the way this was handled. For a disaster of this scale they did a damn good job. I'll let you do your own googling to find the list of complaints on how katrina was handled. And DC Tom.. VABILLS said "personal responsibility" could save the people of North Dakota that is what I argued with. Yeah the governor declared the state of emergency, and North Dakota's National Guard moved in. That is what I just !@#$ing said. Why are you telling me what I just said?
  11. I'm not sure what your news sources are, but you really should stop. Seriously man, your lack of accuracy there is terrible. A state of emergency was declared exactly one day after this thread was made. In either case, sandbags are still being put down even today. The National Guard was brought in, they used dynamite to blow up large blocks of ice that were jamming up the river. 3 million sandbags were deployed. National Guard helicopters were dropping salt and sand to channel the flood water. And coordination with other dams had to be done to limit the flow of flood waters to the area. Now unless you think "the people of an area" has that kind of ability using their "personal responsibility" I would implore you to STFU.
  12. Well, I guess Donte, T.O., and James Hardy are all going to a Toronto Raptors game tonight. .. so there you go.
  13. After listening to all this news on the flooding and how well prepared they've been and how helpful FEMA, the Nat'l Gaurd, etc has been, I am suddenly a big fan of this thread. You know given how far wrong the premise of is.
  14. We do need a SS. But I think 183 is a little small for a SS.
  15. Oh snap! That's kind of crazy. I wonder how often that kind of back and forth happens.
  16. http://rackjite.com/graphics/limbaughanderson.jpg
  17. ??? Are you saying he's the only professional who has ever call GWB a dictator?
  18. You are not even trying. Anyways, I'm referring to what some experts have called Bush and all his abuses of power.
  19. I don't think anyone argued against the attack in Afghanistan. But yeah, when Bush attacked Iraq and blamed it on terrorists, it was fear mongering. Same thing with the (ironically named) Patriot Act, abusing the publics fears to become a democratic dictator.
  20. no man you have it backwards. the republicans protect the rich, obama is just inciting class warfare. that's i learned from everyone around here anyways.
  21. You guys are ridiculous.
  22. Do tell... what "hard hitting" question would you ask?
  23. Only thing I've seen them criticize Obama for was that VA injury/insurance proposal. I agree that was not the greatest idea ever. Anyways, if the guy hasn't actually done anything wrong, how can you criticize him? I assume if he does something wrong they'll be all over him.
  24. When that doesn't happen and they are called protests for what they are, are you going to come back here and rescind that statement?
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