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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Ya. Aside from Iraq, I've never ragged on Bushes foreign policies. well.. not true. The shoulder massage to the German president was pretty bad. Bush wasn't evil and murderous.. just incompetent. I mean I kind of like that Bush went to China for the Olympics. Anyways.. way to put words in my mouth. I start out defending Obama.. and now you tell me I'm attacking Bush. Ok. LaBillz said Chavez tortures his own people. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1414016
  2. "Non-status" is not a real status in the Geneva Conventions. Article 5 covers the case of a non-status anyways. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Third_Geneva...ntion#Article_5
  3. Honestly, Probably not much. Maybe a few people around the world who paid enough attention to it will think just a bit better of us. Perhaps Chavez in the future might listen a little more when we make demands. People like me can actually feel proud of our country. It serves as nothing more than a start and a building block. But what did it cost us? A smile and a handshake? I'd say we got our moneys worth.
  4. yes, there is no evidence of a collapsed economy or abuse of power regarding bush. those crazy libs were making it all up.
  5. it's funny how hate can remove all logic from the brain. what's it called.. cognitive dissonance? Yes. I think so. powerful stuff.
  6. I've told you twice now: diplomacy.
  7. Why can't I just love diplomacy? Why does everything have to be about Chavez? Everytime we argue you have to bring Chavez into it.
  8. I'm not arguing with you anymore LaBillz. You lack ability to think anything but hate for Obama. Rupert Murdoch has control of you and there is nothing I can do about it.
  9. What? Yes .. way to go.. the old scarecrow tactic. Pretend I said something I never did and fight with it. Yes that's exactly what I said .. Shaking hands with Hugo Chavez means we approve of everything and anything he does. That photo does not help or hurt it's people. Heck maybe it'll give them a little hope.
  10. Oh look Tom, a 5th and 6th time that waterboarding was considered unconstitutional. That is 6 cases. Has precedent been set?
  11. Oh look... a 4th case.. I didn't even know about this one.. Does 4 cases count as precedent yet Tom? Or are you going to keep calling names?
  12. Why... what part of "court-martialed for water boarding a Vietnamese prisoner" leads you to think he was court-martialed for another reason. Or is it just that admitting it was for waterboarding causes to much of a rift in your republican beliefs, and thus cannot be accepted as truth? Conclusions before evidence .. or conclusions because of evidence? If you aren't going to believe this stuff happened, say so. We'll be done. I don't want to argue with crazy people.
  13. So that's how you are going to justify this to yourself then? Question sources to the point where the sources we need none of us have access to. I mean do you deny it happened, Washington Post, NPR, and CBS News are among the outlets reporting this. If so, we're done. I can't have rational arguments with people that are going to do irrational things like question sources that have no reason to be suspicious.
  14. .. do they post that kind of info online? would i not have to dig into some dusty old file in some library i don't have access to to get that info?
  15. Come on. Really man? Just do a quick google search. That soldier really did get court-martialled. This is not a point we can argue about.
  16. Dude it's a message board. If my grammar/spelling is the best you can attack me for.. I think I'm doing a very good job. That's like attacking obama for using a teleprompter. Anyways.. regardless of that article, the fact of the matter is that soldier was curt-murshalleed whether I spell it right or not, and whether that article was informative or not. You can do your own research to verify it. And he was cart-mortalled for waterboarding a POW. How can you assert that waterboarding is not illegal in this country in the face of these three precedents (japan, texas, and the soldier)? Name one time someone has been found waterboarding and not been punished for it.
  17. also many on this board are to far to the right... and it is Arlen Spector and Colin Powell (among many others) that have stated this too far to the right thing. Not just me.
  18. I'm not sure if you've noticed... but given the conservadems and moderate policies of Obama contrasted against far lefties like pelosi and harry reid.. the democrat party is becoming huge and is start to split spawn off a moderate branch.
  19. Another person telling the republicans they have moved too far to the right. I'm wondering when you guys will start listening.
  20. Wasn't blaming anyone.. just laughing at them for how wrong they consistently are.
  21. Link? Facts? Figures? Stats? Logic of any sort?
  22. I dunno if anyone cares... but I dont like Freeney. He's overrated. The colts have such high socring games that he gets to sit in pass attack mode all day and never has to worry about stopping the run. We have Trent Edwards, not Peyton Manning.
  23. I'm glad you ask. It seems thanks to the republicans... we're short about 900 Million in funding to fight this. http://www.thenation.com/blogs/thebeat/430261?rel=hp_picks
  24. I'd say potential pandemic. WHO has made some very serious statements about this thing.
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