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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. That guy still hasn't signed? Sheesh. Well I guess we're in for another year of our same old pitiful defense, with another terrible pass rush.
  2. I think you need to take a boolean algebra class.
  3. That's 100% fine, but you could at least try to be someone accurate in your assessments of him. He is meeting his own standard, you just suck at fairly assessing him. Badly.
  4. 1. You are delusional. 2. There errors in your post are to numerous to even bother correcting. 3. If you didn't vote for Obama and have never said a positive thing about him ever, you are hardly in a position to have your criticisms of him taken serious. also.. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090612/ap_on_...spector_general
  5. Ah, so you hold the guy to a higher standard then?
  6. Thank you! The only way this is outrageous is if you can show me something that everything single president in the last 100 years hasn't done exactly this or likely even worse. You might as well make a thread complaining that Obama breaths oxygen. It would be just as pertinent as this one.
  7. Ya that corrupt dickwad should have employed McCains biggest donors!
  8. Given the the intelligence level of the posts you people make, I'm just going to assume you people are serious.
  9. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.
  10. Call it whatever you want. It still doesn't get your IQ over 50.
  11. Should I mock you now for the grammar error?
  12. I do love moments of clarity.
  13. I gave up long ago on fixing every last grammar error on everything I type.
  14. I can see you getting along with that sack of sh--. He seems like your kind of person.
  15. Ah, so when I say thing to smart for you to understand, you start thinking drugs are involved?
  16. That's ok, no one ever said you were sane. Crazy people are allowed to vomit at whatever they like.
  17. There is a dull round tip to whatever point you were trying to make. You brainwashed visions of Reagan do not change reality. I realize you have trouble understanding "smart" things, but that is ok, we accept you for who you are anyways.
  18. Ya man.. it lowered individual income taxes, but raised corporate taxes. Obama is trying to do the same now, you people are all over him for it.
  19. Oh and lets not forget about his torture policies and immigration amnesty.
  20. See you admit he did raise the deficit. Conservative my ass. As far as taxes... he certainly did raise them.. TEFRA, raising the Social Security tax rate, Tax Reform Act of 1986, twice raising the gasoline tax. He nickel and dimed us, while we all believed in the illusion of his initial massive tax cuts. Which if I remember right he also cut 1/3 out of that 1 year after passing those cuts.
  21. Is that what stupid people do when they are to dumb to answer the question? Just laugh and hope that no one notices? LaB - I put the challenge out first. Someone answer my question.
  22. Why did you skip over this part of my post? "And I don't mean "because they didn't break the law"... I mean what laws didn't they break. Did they or did they not break Reagan's treaty and/or Geneva Conventions?"
  23. Lol, yes sure, whatever you say. Get your head out of the clouds. What was so conservative about Reagan? Because I 100% guarantee you are absolutely wrong, whatever your answer is.
  24. Go back to eating your paint chips. Obviously you haven't figured out how to use your brain yet.
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