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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Apology accepted. They didn't park in front of dozens of City Hall Buildings for nothing. Buffalo City Hall included.
  2. The GOP powered propaganda machine really has done it's job well. Not that you will change your ignorant mind, but your statement is not actually true. But please, lets pretend Occupy movement doesn't exist.
  3. Rob's House is the least infuriating person on this board. (hah! suffer the wrath of not being hated by me) I'm willing to concede Obama's plan is not perfect. It takes some gambles on hoping costs will be lowered by investing more in preventative care at earlier ages. It also makes the assumptions that hospitals will make up for losses by having more patients insured at younger ages. .. I wish you would back off of your analogy though. It's a bit over the top. Obama's plan also has very intelligent and well planned adjustments that work well. The Affordable Care Act established an Independent Payment Advisory Board to almost guarantee costs are kept in control. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute is a great attempt to opimize treatments and costs. Well .. that's my opinion anyways.
  4. This disscussion started with someone citing the Laffer curve. The Laffer curve does assess taxes as an aggregate.
  5. Hi. Roughly 2% percent of the US population makes mor than 250k. Obama wants to raise taxes on 2% of the population, and lower taxes on the other 98% (or whatever portion of the 98% actually pays taxes)
  6. I think you need to look up the definition of "overall". You can't ignore words in my sentences and pretend I said something wrong.
  7. Maybe to try to avoid you thinking I'm crazy ... lets establish a few facts .. 1. The tax rates of the 50's ... they were much higher than they are today. 2. Obama has only talked of lowering taxes overall. Raise taxes on top earners, lower taxes on everyone else. Given these two facts JFK quotes have very little pertinence to todays situation. Thus I consider his use of the JFK quotes to be intellectually dishonest. Then his little blurb at the end "The problem is SPENDING. Spending never goes down and the Ryan plan doesn't even "cut" spending. It reduces the rate of increase. The Obamacare actually cuts medicare. Ryan plan continues to increase spending on Medicare. Allows for a current (and those age 55 at the time of enactment) recipients to continue untouched while offering choices to us younger folk to either enter into Medicare or go with a new voucher system. So, it's a bald faced lie to claim "guts medicare". The only gutting of medicare occurred with the ObamaTax." That just irritates to no end with crazy lies. Perhaps an established organization like Politifact can take over from here .. http://www.politifac...care-more-700-/ http://www.politifac...history-rob-me/ http://www.politifac...-pay-obamacare/ http://www.politifac...care-cuts-says/ People like Oxrock don't let facts get in their way.
  8. I declared futility and went home. Yes, stating facts such as the fact that global warming is real. What? You said what would happen? You predicted the economy would improve? Maybe you predicted Obama would be harder on immigrants and terrorism than any of his predecessors? I don't know what you predicted, but I'm sure it wasn't impressive.
  9. I bet you would be very prosperous on your own in Somalia. You should do that. You obviously have no need to share the United States of America with me. No sharing, you go get your own country and prosper on your own.
  10. Thanks for the blunt reminder of why I hate this forum so much. This crap laced post is intellectually dishonest and so completely lacking logic and fact that I don't even know where to start. And I could waste an hour deconstructing it. But we all know that informed content goes nowhere fast around here. Any intelligent post is met with snark and mockery and get's lucky to be interpreted even mildly as it was intended. I'll take my hour and do something more productive .. like watching tv or something.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/CkVgh.jpg
  12. I have to assume all the retirees in Florida will hate Paul Ryan as the learn more about him.
  13. And I'll save this post for posterity. It's a candidate for the all time "WTF" hall of fame. Very rarely in history have tax cuts resulted in increased revenue. Every instance of this it's highly debatable that the tax cut was the primary cause of increased revenue. Yet you fact repellent republicans insist on pushing your lies as truth. Even yet, the issue is more complex than "lower taxes/higher". Who should we lower taxes on and who to raise taxes on? Obama seems purely interested in lowering taxes on the middle and lower class and raising taxes a few percentage points on the wealthy. That seems to be a prudent and wise move in the interest of benefiting the nation as a whole.
  14. I was thinking the same. Debates are so scripted and boring and controlled that there never really is much of a winner or loser.
  15. David Frum sums up the biggest attack on Ryan .. "You've worked hard all your life. You've paid Medicare taxes for almost 30 years. But under the Republican plan, Medicare won't be there for you. Instead of Medicare as it exists now, under the Republican plan you'll get a voucher that will pay as little as half your Medicare costs when you turn 65—and as little as a quarter in your 80s. And all so that millionaires and billionaires can have a huge tax cut." http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/11/attack-ads.html
  16. fat bald old white men pouncing ... nasty
  17. SCRATCH THAT! Sean Hannity did accuse Ryan of pushing grandmothers off cliffs!! http://www.thedailys...n-s-murder-plot Also, I'll note that LABillzFan does indeed obey his master and lord Fox News by quoting that channel every chance he gets.
  18. Rationalize much? Try hard enough and you can rationalize anything away. You and I both know he had the power to control that fee, and he did not get rid of it. I have never seen any accusations or evidence that this is even close to true. Paul Ryan does not push anyone off cliffs, grandmothers included.
  19. About all I know about the guy : Paul Ryan charged people $15 bucks to ask him a question at town hall meetings. http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=F0E997EA-EC57-4E4B-B174-D857948A0787
  20. Happily the people on this forum are not the only voters in this country. But I'll play along and pretend we can try to have a non-mockery-based conversation. From my view .. - Obama already did fix the economy for the most part. All signs and indicators point upward. There is no indication that the economy is headed anywhere except upward. - Gay rights - He tries hard to fund science and technology research, and tries to fund new "green" technology in acknowledgement that the USA has been headed the wrong way on that front for many years. - Education, I approve strongly of his policies and actions on Education. His many attempts to improve funding for college tuition get my biggest thumbs up. - I thoroughly approve of his Supreme Court picks - He has spoken out of and supports women's rights in both the workplace and in the privacy of the doctors office. Lilly Ledbetter Act was awesome. - Credit Card Bill of Rights :thumbsup: - Has at least spoken on the side of the middle class when it comes to taxes. Although he has yet to pass any legislation, I feel like he wants to and if given time, would pass a bill supporting the middle class with a better tax code.
  21. Yep yep yep. Romney is cold, hard, and calculating. Without a doubt, Portman is the pick.
  22. Yes. But it was also some damn fine TV and I was glad to watch it again and be reminded of a very happy day for all of us.
  23. While the landing was taking place, Fox News had excellent coverage of Michael Jackson's will.
  24. Interesting how you think this show and Olberman's are similar. I think they are nothing at all alike. Olberman is inaccurate, biased, hateful, and not very intelligent. It was rare I was ever able to watch his show without thinking "no, he's wrong". Did you notice the show just beat on NPR and their coverage of Giffords? IMO they simultaneously attacked Olbermann-like shows on that episode. Olbermann used the shooting to push his gun agenda, which is completely not the duty of any news show. I feel like this show rages against the concept of pushing a political agenda during a newscast.
  25. My favorite quote for the show so far : “I’m a registered Republican, I only seem liberal because I believe that hurricanes are caused by high barometric pressure and not gay marriage.” I'm sure if the show makes it far enough it will rip on the occupy folks heartily. But yes, so far the show has torn holes in the collective a-holes of the GOP and their primary block of voters; as well as the relentless attacks on mainstream media. I enjoy the show immensely. I could not disagree more. The show is highly intellectual and honest. MSNBC is a blather of drooling morons who try their hardest to copy the Fox News business model and fail miserably at it.
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