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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I don't think those are things that you can really stand up and cheer for.
  2. Oh good lord. Does optimism know no bounds in bills-land?
  3. What does me reading it have to do with my congressmen reading it? I hate this bill, it sucks my balls. Hard. But after 80+ years of trying to get comprehensive health care reform passed, right about now we're all ready to take anything we can get. We'll even pretend to be happy about this piece of **** bill.
  4. I realize most Republicans are illiterate, but you should try not to make such false assumptions about the Dems.
  5. It's the early 1940's the deficit spiked really high also. That kind of thing happens when you need to recover from the great recession.
  6. you are making a bold assumption in thinking that anyone here even has a head.
  7. I love how morons like you always say stuff like this, "both sides are the same" yet you would never in a million years vote for a dem. Somehow they are the same, but one side is better.
  8. If Republicans were honest, they would be Democrats.
  9. You guys are talking like the unemployment rate is not going to fall back down over the next few years. .. but man, 10.2. That's the highest it's been since Reagan.
  10. i made a post about this earlier... but no one like that one? http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=98940
  11. Bernie Sanders just finished a bill proposal that would make banks to big to fail break up. I assume he'll introduce it to the senate soon.
  12. "According to Hasan's aunt, he had sought for several years to receive a discharge, due to harassment relating to his religion." .. he was Muslim .. in Texas...
  13. It will be made illegal soon enough. ... you'll still complain about Obama though somehow. So whatever.
  14. I'll be watching that today.
  15. I think this is the problem. They've convinced you that they are doing this, when in reality they are doing no such thing. Very successful marketing ploy on their part, if I do say so myself.
  16. wasn't that you who made a thread attacking Obama about this? and then deleted it? anyways... big shocker that fox got another thing wrong.
  17. It's the curse. I posted about it a while back. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=98940
  18. I think he's telling us that he needs to be fired.
  19. I <3 Buffalo Beast
  20. In the link you sent, it says "CBO now estimates, on the basis of an analysis incorporating the results of recent research, that if a package of proposals ... was enacted, it would reduce total national health care spending by about 0.5 percent (about $11 billion in 2009)" but like I said before, tort reform will get passed, but it will be a totally different bill. so stop bitching about it. then the private insurers have nothing to fear. (and if they have nothing to fear ... why are they fighting it so strongly?)
  21. tort reform will get passed, but it's a different issue altogether and a different bill. the cbo did the numbers on the savings and it wasn't a lot anyways. like .5% healthcare savings, if 30% of lawsuits cut down. "it has been proved that it is one of the factors that are contributing to soaring medical insurance premiums" it really hasn't. but if you have (credible) reports on that .. do link to them.
  22. What gives??? My fees are double that.
  23. Call me when a TV "News" station organizes a national protest against the president. Then we can talk about ideological.
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