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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. The 99-00 season killed this team, and it's still not recovered.
  2. I thought the consensus was that Ralph made the RJ over Flutie decision. Edit: I mean, Wade is doof, I'm not arguing with that point at all.
  3. It's not an unread bill. I 100% disagree with the statement that the bill is unread. It has been read by anyone who wanted to read it, and it's contents are known to any Senator who wants to know whats in it.
  4. /me was raised in Tonawanda.
  5. Come on guys, lets be realistic. A Senator has a nice sized staff to do these things. This is their job to write and vote on this bill. They know what's in it, and someone in their staff has read the whole thing and keeps up with it as it changes. It's be pathetic if a Senator (or his staff) was not able to know everything that is in the bill. LA, Ya... guess I can't really complain about this being read then. Like you said, any bill can be requested. We all know why it was requested, but whatever I suppose the sick and uninsured can wait a little longer.
  6. I would only support that if it meant reading every single Bill on the floor always, no matter what. Singling out this HC bill is juts another stall tactic, and nothing more.
  7. Oh God... .. no Ralph has to be cheap.. I just could not handle the thought that this team management is that incompetent over the last 10 years.
  8. Tutan Reyes, lol. We suck.
  9. For the same reason that Steve Johnson doesn't get much playing time... the Bills never recognize a good thing when they have it.
  10. Mostly I'm referring to the OP with that line. (whom you seem to be defending?)
  11. This leech to society is .. http://blogs.ajc.com/cynthia-tucker/2009/1...alth-insurance/
  12. http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2009/10/...sh_limbaugh.jpg
  13. I think they were mentally prepared. However, I do not think they were physically able to stop him.
  14. It is really funny to mock these people. I truly do enjoy it. Come on, that first poster in this thread called 70 thousand people "the million people". And man, did you see the John Stewart/Hannity thing on the Bachman crowd? I was ROFLing all over the place. Anyways... this is a tiny gathering also... http://www.crownaudio.com/pressart/DSC0185%5B1%5D.JPG
  15. A shed of sanity in a world of chaos. Thanks Lori.
  16. Ah, I see.. so you looked at a picture, and said to yourself "yep, that looks like a million people", and that was that? Why didn;t I think of that? If only we all used such rigorous methods.
  17. He was a U.S. Senator, and a Constitutional Law Professor. I know you know this. And I know choose not to mention it, due to the fact that it would shut down your "he's not qualified" argument. My arguments against Palin are not even the job positions she's held. It's the fact that she thought living in Alaska gave her diplomatic experience with Russia. She thought the VP was in charge of the Senate. Gah .. do I really have to point out all of the dumb things she's said. Why do you people choose to ignore the plethora of inane things that woman has done. Even just recently that quote on the coins and conspiracy theory was just hilarious. Even FNC called her out on it.
  18. I suppose he never was a Beauty Pagent Queen. So you may be right, Sarah did have more experience than Obama. Especially in regard to relations with Russia, she really had that down solid.
  19. Lol WTF?? Are you serious? A million? At best there was 100k. Most likely it was more like 50k. Wow, come back to Earth Donald. You may suffocate up there in space.
  20. Seriously? She's wholly unqualified to hold public office, and has a horrible grasp of reality. She's disregards information that conflicts with her Christian based ideology as if it's her job (and I think that is her job). True! She's uneducated, and unqualified. The left does hate that a lot.
  21. http://www.motherjones.com/media/2009/11/how-speak-tea-bag
  22. How high was the debt just after the depression?
  23. You point out a hand picked selection of facts that support your preconceived notions. You fail to mention or bring up any facts that would disagree with you. Now. Tell us why you are pissed about money going to Acorn, and not pissed Haliburton taking taxpayer money?
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