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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Wow, crazy, I had not seen that game. Thanks for posting.
  2. Dig up the quote where I said that. I dare you.
  3. anyone have a link to a vid? also.. man Peyton.. I love that guy. Best QB ever.
  4. This is classic. Byrd's arm cracks me up.
  5. I don't know about the first step. But sure, it's probably an important step in making sure mistakes are not repeated.
  6. Well, we all know who I blame for the debt: http://zfacts.com/p/318.html (note: spending spikes to get us out of great depression, and great recession)
  7. The decision to kick the FG and not punt was what one the game. Without that, we lose 14-17 on a last minute FG .. you know we would have, it happened a million time under Dick.
  8. Can anyone else believe the Colts have clinched a playoff birth already?
  9. We are clear, it was a really close game? We did not have control until TO's TD catch with 3 mins left.
  10. Lol, thanks for proving my point. Facts and information mean nothing to you people. A little mental gymnastics, then plugyour ears when you can't argue and toss in some cognitive dissonance to top it off and you'll believe anything. And learn how to look **** up, will you? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=52%25+of+Republicans+...nt+Barack+Obama
  11. uh....? oh goodness, there is no way I could ever do this justice. start reading dailykos or something, i'm sure in a few years you'll be caught up to all of the major items. this is 4 minutes of research... -Obama is an elitist muslim born in Kenya who goes to a Christian church run by an extremist. -Death Panels -Thinking Sarah Palin is qualified to be President -The oxymoron of standing by the Patriot Act yet making the message of the party be "we don't want government in our lives" -52% of Republicans think ACORN stole the 2008 Presidential Election for President Barack Obama. -Supporting abstinence education in the face of overwhelming evidence that it leads to increased teen pregnancy -12% of NC GOP think Hawaii is not a state -"Global warming is a hoax" -We are the "party of family values" while Ensign and Sanford cheat on their wives (with the knowledge of other GOPers) -Having 12 years of congress majority to reform health care your way, and complaining when Dems finally decide to do something -Michelle Bachman: "As you know, Russia, China, Brazil, India, South Africa, many nations have lined up now and have called for an international global currency, a One World currency" -Thinking that FNC is anything except a profit machine ("this station stands for what I believe in" lol, I bet). -Virginia Foxx: "We know that young man was killed in the commitment of a robbery. It wasn’t because he was gay" -Michael Steele: "I am pro-life, always have been, always will be. I tried to present why I am pro-life while recognizing that my mother had a 'choice' before deciding to put me up for adoption."
  12. jay riemersma is running in i think michigan also.
  13. I didn't laud it. I have not come to a position on the matter. But if you would point out what in my sentence made you think I had taken a position one way or another, I'll be glad to revise it.
  14. Ok, I'll give in. Happy Turkey day fellow asylumers.
  15. James Dobson and Rush Limbaugh and their ilk apply the litmus test. The voting lemmings just do as they are told.
  16. We'll find out when the Charlie Crist primaries are over.
  17. Republicans are not Republicans anymore. It's a new party full of crazy ideas and insane people who ignore logic, but it has the same name.
  18. Dems are trying to do just that. http://thehill.com//homenews/house/69295-d...-150b-stock-tax
  19. I hate when you idiots think you've won something. Because the problem is that you are still idiots. Whether you are right or wrong, that fact has not changed.
  20. Wow. You people suffer from severe retardation. There is no other explanation for the posts in this thread. Go pray to your fictional jesus, you'll need it.
  21. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/c...ts-1822396.html
  22. Those happened also. I don't see how many brain cell you have to be missing to think that has anything to do with the current effect humans have upon the global temperatures, atmosphere, and climate. who the hell is saying temperatures did not fluctuate in the past? You are right. You are also a simpleton.
  23. i still don't know how dumb you have to be to think that mankind has not had a dramatic effect on the earths climate. i would wager that it's somewhere below the intelligence of a monkey, and above that of magox. and no recent data is not showing that temperatures are dropping. but dumb people who don't know how to collect and assess data very probably think it's dropping.
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