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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Almost every president has had some sort of recession. I do not like how you ignore GW Bush's massive "The Great Recession" in favour of blaming Bill Clinton. That is just plainly dishonest of you. That is only because your fat a** takes up the whole back row.
  2. You could also say no aliens have invaded the planet. The 9/11 hijackers still came from Afghanistan.
  3. Name one thing. I don't think Bill Nye has ever made a show about Iraq though. If he did, I'm sure it would be informative. More informative than your sh** sources of information.
  4. I think even Obama is not this good to fix this one. This issue is about a people vs their government (not Rublican v Dem as your insane TV station has you thinking). Pelosi said no to C-span, not Obama. I'm betting there are a lot of congresspersons who like to make shady backroom deals and do not want a camera there.
  5. The fu** is wrong with you???? You retard, you pay for the roads even if you don't use them. Try not paying the portions of your taxes that cover road maintenance. I dare you. ... in universal HC you pay for insurance even if you don't use it.
  6. They turned out to be right. Give me one good reason we went into Iraq? Nothing we did there helped our own security at all.
  7. How so are they different? Both are elective services that a government or people can choose to offer.
  8. I hate that I'm forced to buy roads and road maintenance even though I don't want it.
  9. http://trueslant.com/rickungar/2010/01/03/...rses-obamacare/
  10. You can't be bi-partisan when the Republican strategy is to disagree with Obama no matter what he wants. That seriously is their strategy. It's been leaked.
  11. Let me go on record as saying I don't want Billick. The Ravens got no worse when he left. There is no evidence that he was anything special as a coach.
  12. Technically he's not fired... just he's free to pursue other options until our new HC can make a decision.
  13. Unfortunately it's hard to argue with that. I think Poz fits in that group though.
  14. Either way, if I'm GM I would not cut him. He's good enough to keep and then let the coach decide who starts. You do need backups, you know.
  15. I got a Bills belt buckle
  16. we are mocking the bills draft picks already? ok... man I can't believe they drafted that guy, he sucks! why does ralph always make the craziest picks and skip over the good players?
  17. According to that Map, he skipped over Buffalo.
  18. I wish we did Really we have nothing close to it.
  19. The made fun of him a few years ago, but Ralph called it. When teams don't share income, the league falls apart.
  20. He's not that good. I've seen several Utes games this season, he's never really done anything notable prior to this one game. Actually he's been pretty ugly to watch most times I've seen him.
  21. .. a regular Neville Chamberlain
  22. Russ Brandon is one of the greatest minds of our time.
  23. Maybe the dingo ate your baby?
  24. Yes, any article which even mentions black people is implicitly speaking about Obama. You are right.
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