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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. i did forget to pay attention to ub this year. that was a mistake on my part.
  2. i watched his show once. he came of as being close to as stupid as bill o'reilly is. again this puts on display our absolute lack of choice for something quality when it comes to politics in this country.
  3. the bills don't have many options at QB to get the team on a winning track next year. but this is the absolute best option they would have. he's not worth a 1st rounder by any means, but a 3rd or conditional 2nd could be an option.
  4. If Garcon was on the Bills he probably would have had to phone Ralph up from the field and make sure Ralph would be ok with the move to force a fumble.
  5. that would imply we have a choice with our votes. not voting for a guy because he's been sitting too long usually means you have to vote for someone you absolutely hate even though he's not in office at all.
  6. You are the one who keeps voting for them.
  7. it's like a news anchor without a tie to wear
  8. Either way, I don't think anyone would argue that we have treated Haiti much better than we treated NO.
  9. you forgot kermit the frog and howdy doody
  10. so this is new.... hating nbc news? they are like the most bland news source there is. it's like hating the hair color of a guy with no hair.
  11. wilfork is going to the highest bidder. end of story.
  12. So Tim... I'm of the crowd that thinks no good GM's or coaches ever want to come here because Ralph is always meddling in their affairs. They have to get approval from him for things and cannot just do their job. So do you think Ralph knows that we resent him for this? Would any in the media ever risk Ralph's wrath by asking him a question about this topic. Bonus half-serious question: How can we get Ralph to apologize about Flutie and end the curse that decision put on the team???? Edit: oops this is the same as the question above. You can just answer it one time
  13. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/haiti/1...-earthquake-aid
  14. I do have to admit, I'm all excited for today. It's such an exciting day today. It is the Ides of January, after all.
  15. WHAT THE F***??? Someone please tell me that mankind has not really managed to become this stupid. Please tell me the this guy is a troll and is just joking around. This post just cannot be serious, there is no way. He is just pulling my chains, right? That has to be the case. I refuse to belief that a fully evolved homosapien is this far lacking in cognitive ability. There is just no way, it cannot be physically possible.
  16. Why did you ignore the other 5 links?
  17. Now you are pulling a Fox News. That right there is a lie. I never said that. I had said the 9/11 truthers make a compelling case and I wish they would get a chance to argue it in court. But you distorted my statement in order to suite your purposes (ala Fox News).
  18. Come on, do you think other networks do anything close to **** like this.. http://intershame.com/on/Fox_News/
  19. It's not the slant. Everyone has a bias. It's the flat out lies that Fox spews out as well and just a complete lack of intellectual honesty in the debate they present to us. If Fox News didn't straight up lie to the American people, the hate for FNC would not be so large.
  20. We all know it happened. Why do we need to bother with proof? It's not like Ralph would ever admit it publicly (even though that is the only true way to lift the curse)
  21. Your biggest flaw is your inability to be even remotely critical of your own party.
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