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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. I wish. But I do dream about that day. You conservatives are not sane. Case and point.
  2. Probably, my money is on him. I even like watching him speak. The one wonky type political analyst type argument I've heard against him is that "Will America vote for a fat politician?". It's a real question to ask if you know anything about voter behaviors.
  3. Where is OCinBuffalo. He needs to call out Nate Silver for being right on every state called so far.
  4. Ya, it's a really good chance that America will swing back to a Republican President in 2016. That's just how we roll.
  5. GOP House, Dem Senate and Presidency. Yay?
  6. There have been lawsuits filed in both states already. You people need to pay attention to something other than Republican propaganda as your news sources. http://www.csmonitor...-voting-lawsuit http://www.cbsnews.c...achines-update/
  7. I think it's funny that you doubt the man's calculations. What do you want to bet on this election OC? I want you to make a thread saying "Republicans hate factual information" if you are wrong.
  8. You are an idiot. His models lead to him being right a majority of the time. If he puts down "90%" then in 9 out of ten elections he should be right. It's not science by the way, it is math you turd.
  9. How horrible are Republicans? Willing to ruin a fair democracy and the choice of the people for the sake of getting their guys elected? .............. B-man horrible, http://www.alternet.org/voter-fraud-rare-and-cycle-its-all-been-committed-republicans "Voter Fraud is exceedingly rare. Democrats have been guilty in the past , but in 2012, all the fraud has apparently been on the Republican side of the aisle." "Investigators today arrested a Southern Nevada woman suspected of trying to vote twice this week at two different polling locations." "A Clackamas County elections worker is undercriminal investigation for tampering with ballots" "Four campaign staffers of former Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich) face multiple criminal charges of allegedly perpetuating election fraud" "A Republican precinct chairman running for a seat on the Fort Bend County Commissioner's Court has cast ballots in both Texas and Pennsylvania in the last three federal elections, official records in both states show." "A Pennsylvania man employed by a company working for the Republican Party of Virginia was arrested by investigators from the Rockingham County Sheriff’s office on Thursday and charged with destroying voter registration forms." "A third instance of fraudulent voter registration has been uncovered in the important swing state of Virginia, where a Republican consultant has been arrested and thousands of discarded voter registration forms were recovered from a dumpster earlier this week" "The Republican Party of Florida’s top recipient of 2012 expenditures, a firm by the name of Strategic Allied Consulting, was just fired on Tuesday night, after more than 100 apparently fraudulent voter registration forms were discovered to have been turned in by the group" .. and more ..
  10. Why is it always the Republicans that commit voter fraud? People left votes blank, this woman is filling them in for people on a straight Republican line. http://www.wweek.com/portland/blog-29390-department_of_justice_investigating_alleged_ballot_fraud_at_clackamas_county_elections.html
  11. Nate Silver is first and foremost a statistical analyst. He happens to be a damn good one at that. This means that he goes very far out his way to avoid any sort of "bias" and simply analyze the numbers to the best of his ability. You can disagree with his analysis if you want, you are welcome to. There is a reason so many people trust him though, he's shown to be very accurate in the past elections.
  12. Domestic spying programs Jon Stewart is the only interviewer I've seen that even asked Obama about this. He didn't really push the issue that hard though.
  13. If these statements are true .. this is the most interesting post I've seen on here in a long long long time.
  14. You have no relationship to the constitution and wouldn't know it if it hit you in the face. I bet you think the ACA is unconstitutional.
  15. The companies cannot say those exact words. Well .. they could .. but then they would end up with tons of lawsuits on their hands and owe their former employees a lot of money. They only try to come as close to saying those words as they can without risking lawsuits.
  16. "Koch Industries, other CEOs warn employees of layoffs if Obama is reelected" http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/koch-industries-sends-pro-romney-packet-employees-195709471--election.html It's !@#$ing subtle (sort of). Obviously for legal reasons they cannot directly say "vote Romney or we'll fire you". If they did that they would end up getting sued.
  17. Michigan CEO "Tells" Employees to Vote for Romney or Else - http://www.dailykos....-Romney-or-Else Sounds like something out of North Korea. Sounds like an obvious case of voter intimidation. Those thugs. ... not saying that Unions should do this, they shouldn't. But the bad actions of a Union does not make you fact free Republicans any more correct regarding any of the plethora of topics you are completely wrong on.
  18. Those college graduates generally have brains, which means they know to point the blame in the right place, and not at Obama. You lack said vital organ, and you blame all the wrong people.
  19. Did you read 1billsfan's post? He said "Seriously, who here believes this number?" He's saying it's not factual. Same with Cinga above. He's a Republican, they don't really have a working relationship with factual data. The debate in the Republican mind is not whether its a good or bad report. They debate if you should believe the facts or not.
  20. It's a factual report from people who deal in facts. I wouldn't expect you Republicans to relate to it.
  21. Yeah that last episode is something to think about. What if a Brian Williams type news show really did what the fictional ACN show did? Would that be correct? I can't argue with the facts that were presented. But, it did seem dishonest in presentation to me. There are more aspects to the Tea-Party than what was presented.
  22. No. Pretty sure Obama high fived Biden when the pick was announced. Ryan pretty much ensured that Romney would lose the election. You make like him, but you are not the only person who votes in this country.
  23. This guy votes Republican.
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