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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. IMO.. No strategic advantage. Likely he *actually* believed it was a genocide, and likely he *actually* believed it should be recognized. Once in office he realized the diplomatic problems it would cause with Turkey and decided he would stop pushing the issue in order to be able to run the USA and it's foreign relations more smoothly. I'm not saying I side with him on this. I wish he would recognize it, I'm glad of the vote. (But perhaps I would chance my mind if I was in his place?) But his actions do make logical sense.
  2. I don't argue. I just took offense to the original post attributing quotes to Obama that he didn't make.
  3. Fair point. I'll rescind that if you admit that Obama is a moderate centrist and is not much of a Liberal at all.
  4. So now when Pelosi speaks, it counts as "Pelosi and Obama"? Find me a quote where Obama said that, or stop making stuff up about the guy. I do understand why you people hate him, it's because nothing you know about him is true. If I had the "facts" about Obama that you people did, I would hate him also.
  5. Link, citation or something to corroborate this please? I googled and didn't find anything. Frankly it does not sound believable (it reads like a lie Glen Beck would make up).
  6. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/AOmTKv/www.n...&f=1014/r:t
  7. When I don't talk you agree with me frequently.
  8. Well .. ya. Just about every president over the last 40 years. But.. while we're here.. you said it, not me.
  9. You talk like this country has never spent billions of dollars that we don't have before.
  10. No I do have a problem with it, but I also understand it's not as simple as "freeze spending". The spending freeze comes with risks and unknown consequences. So I can understand him not wanting to do that.
  11. DOE response - http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/201...03/2218063.aspx This story has been covered on NPR a few times over the last few months. I can't find the links, but they did go into how complex this was. The US has long lagged behind in "green technology", so now that we want to build some turbines, we have no one to manufacture them. So they have to be bought from china until there are manufacturers in the USA that can make them. So ya, building a turbine gives people in the US jobs, buying the tubine from China lets them hire people also. NYT post from 2009 on this.. http://greeninc.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/...exas-wind-farm/
  12. I imagine that nobody has offered any solutions on how to fix the problem. Everyone complaining and no one giving solutions does not solve problems. So I'm sure Obama, like everyone, knows there is a problem, but does not know the fix.
  13. But it's ok for Sanford and Ensign to have an affair?
  14. I would hope that the votes ultimately decide how the public feels about this. But if the Republicans have proven anything it's that nobody in this country studies history. So this act will be forgotten long before it comes time for the public to make a judgment on it.
  15. I think it's kind of cool he's doing this. Once again it shows that the Republicans have balls and the Democrats have vagina's.
  16. Lol, how can the Rams not draft Suh? That would be hilarious if they drafted Bradford over him.
  17. Arlington Road was my fav twist ending
  18. Just due to the nice crop of DE's this year in FA and the draft, and the fact that I don't love any of the DE's on our team ... I would love to see us bring in a big time DE and take advantage of the discount we can get from the buyers market.
  19. I've been critical of Obama on here before. The chances of there being anyone else even remotely as qualified as him for the job to vote for is slim to none in 2012. So I'll still likely vote for him. You know the Republicans won't be able to get anyone with a brain past the primaries.
  20. step 2 is to use that saved money to bribe the refs.
  21. Nah, it's bad when Obama does it. This is a black eye on him.
  22. But you also admit he's made good plays when given a chance?
  23. You are debating with yourself?
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