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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Bluesky, seek knowledge, Now! :shrug: whatever. Ok first you'll have to forgive me one sin. After looking it up, it was GE that paid no taxes, not GM. You'll have to excuse me for mixing up the two names. Well here is the big study http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/12/r...a_n_118455.html http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/08/...ing-income-tax/ (Link to the full study) http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08957.pdf And then additionally here is a recent article on a few of the larger corporations that pay disproportionately low tax rates. GE is the big one, and then I think Bank of America and Wells Fargo I believe are two other big fish that didn't pay any taxes last year. http://finance.yahoo.com/taxes/article/109...es-pay-in-taxes I believe 68% counts as "most".
  2. Population will just be defined as "corporations" then. "major corporations" is open to too much interpretation. I'm unable to to provide further granularity in the definition. So .. proof, and admittance of error on your part?
  3. It's not really "making fun of" when you people have no idea what you are talking about. However you think you do, and that is the problem. Your post is a prime example. If I understand correctly you are implying that since publicly traded corporations don't pay taxes on their earnings? Is that what you are implying? I don't fully know what you are saying, and I don't think you do either. I should love to hear this.
  4. Lol no. We stink. Just barely staying in Pro. I don't know how we've lasted. But ya, stop in and say hi some time, you should still have access. You aren't forgotten.
  5. Hey you ever gunna at least stop in and say hi? The team is still kickin you know
  6. Ya, could be... I looked at both. I think Iupati is just a beast at G though. He'd fill that spot on our roster for years to come.
  7. 1. I never said "majority of the Fortune 500" (where did you get that from? when did I mention fortune 500 at all?) 2. If I prove you wrong, will you admit you are wrong?
  8. Hello generic brainless PPP poster. I am well away you have no functional nervous system, and I need no further proof of this. But, perhaps the rest of your generic PPP moron friends needed this information? GM not making a profit in 2009 does not mean they have never made a profit. If they have never made a profit, then certainly they would not exist. Additionally GM served as an example in my post. There is a long list of corporations that pay no taxes in the USA. I know you don't know what the word "example" means, because you have no nervous system. So I won't hold it against you that you don't understand such things.
  9. After studying the draft and crossing off the guys we know will be off the board, I've decided I want the Bills to draft Mike Iupati. And heck, if they can draft down and still draft him, all the better.
  10. Most major corporations don't pay any taxes either. You pay more on your earnings than GM does to the government.
  11. You have an inferiority complex. Dude, we have a black president. Accept it and get over it.
  12. I think you have a brain tick.
  13. Ya, but I mean Slutty Sundays will more than make up for the inconvenience.
  14. I think he's saying "black people don't support the tea party". Dumbass statements like this are probably why.
  15. You have no !@#$ing clue how !@#$ing hard that is, apparently.
  16. Peyton Manning for Tom Brady. Prove once and for all that Brady is a sham as the Pats win the next 5 SB's and Indy drops to last place in the division.
  17. I think I said somewhere when this started that I would not offer more than a 3rd for McNabb. So.. props to Nix for not doing that either. Also, I really don't think McNabb wanted to come to Buff. Similar to Chris Drury, it's in Buffalo's best interest just to not pursue these people who don't like it here.
  18. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article....ma-offshore-oil "Proposed oil and gas leasing in Alaska's Bristol Bay will be canceled out of concern for protecting sensitive areas of the Outer Continental Shelf from environmental dangers."
  19. Yeah this is a pretty big loss, he was a great man. Funeral is Saturday at 11:00 in Amherst. Thanks for your concern guys.
  20. Thanks I've had a lot of practice. Actually that's the only reason I come here, to sharpen my skills. (Yes I'm aware of your sarcasm)
  21. You are just jealous because I'm crushing all of your arguments, and I am only one person and there are like 20 of you dopes.
  22. GG, a million things wrong with your post. You should really just go back to 1985 and stay there. I could word this with equally unfair wording.. You cling the nonsensical thought that it's bad thing to trust a voter accountable government but absolutely no qualms about trusting a non-caring shareholder profit driven corporate behemoth. (neither is wording is true) This is the first time anyone's said that. And it's so absurd that I can see why. The CBO did estimates on Tort Reform, turns out that with optimistic estimates that the savings are 0.5% on national health care costs. Not that I'm against that, but it's a drop in the bucket. Also if you've read this thread, my complaints are not only against costs, but against insurance companies not covering people who paid for coverage.
  23. Hmmm... A google search of this comes up empty. Do you have any supporting data at all?
  24. They do. It's a matter of cost analysis. Apparently they did the analysis and this was the scenario that made them the most money. Are you telling me they have other goals besides profits? I'm sure that factors in, among other causes. Gotta take what you can get, I suppose. It's better than doing nothing. Welcome to America. It's against the law to turn away anyone at an emergency room. So our tax dollars pay for everyone who is not insured.
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