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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. No? I've been working all day. Why what are you alluding to? Glad to see Chef Jim is openly admitting he's a troll now.
  2. I think it's equally as outrageous as the 47% of the population not paying taxes. You however, are great at being selectively angry as long as it suites your political goals.
  3. May all your wings be right and your teas be bagged.
  4. More people saying Exxon payed $0 in taxes to the USA http://motherjones.com/mojo/2010/04/exxon-...electric-forbes
  5. http://wnymedia.net/paladino/ (I know DC Tom and other right-wingers, he's a republican so this must be a hoax. All slander against republicans is a hoax. There is no way this could be true)
  6. Obama is on our side for sure, he definitely does a lot to help the people (and some to help the corporations). I think Ron Paul is another guy who just doesn't care about votes, and just does what he thinks is right. Obviously they give some consideration to votes, but IMO it's minimal. .. out with whatever insult you have to fling, I'm sleepy and they make me yawn.
  7. I know Republicans are loyal only to the Republican States of America, and getting elected and staying there (and so everything revolves around elections). Some politicians do actually try to help the whole country from time to time.
  8. I think we'd all want them to trade down a few slots and pick him up. But as a few other have said, if they hit pick 9 and can find no one to trade with, then I'm happy with just taking him there.
  9. Change October to the year 2014 and you are not too far off the mark.
  10. Funny thing is I don't even think Peyton Manning could fix this team. We'd still end up 8-8 with him at the helm.
  11. That's just not a true statement for you to make. You can't make it, and try to push it on me, but what you just said is false.
  12. I didn't make this thread though.
  13. That transcript is of the exact same interview as the video you linked me to. I just wanted to point out the transcript because it's easier than saying "Hey go to 1:23 of the video". Edit: Actually, nevermind, that's Breitbart (aka the definition of slanted) I doubt he provided the full video.
  14. REP. WOLF: So my question to you is, if you catch Osama bin Laden alive, will it go to an Article III court or will it go to a military court? ATTY GEN. HOLDER: I am not trying to dodge this one, I just don't think the -- the possibility of catching him alive -- REP. WOLF: Well, but let's assume -- but we can't -- ATTY GEN. HOLDER: -- is infinitesimal. REP. WOLF: Okay. But if -- ATTY GEN. HOLDER: Either he will be killed by us, or he will be killed by his own people so that he is not captured by us. We know that. REP. WOLF: But, Attorney General, I respectfully, I'm not -- that was a (trick ?) -- (inaudible) -- sincerely, what if we do, though, catch him alive? That's the question. ATTY GEN. HOLDER: And what I'm saying is that -- and maybe I was being a little flip with Mr. Culberson, and perhaps (I shouldn't be ?) -- REP. WOLF: Okay, we'll just -- ATTY GEN. HOLDER: -- about, you know, reading Miranda rights to his corpse, because I think that's what we're going to be dealing with. He is not going to be alive. REP. WOLF: Well, but the question was, what if he is alive? And I think the gentleman raised a legitimate case. And from my perspective, we -- our government is setting a precedent with the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a civilian court in New York City. And I think that's the real -- the real danger. src: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/0...laden_wont.html
  15. I know misinterpreting and misunderstanding things caters to your Republican stained glasses, but you have this one wrong. Holder simply accepts that we won't be able to capture Bin Laden alive, he will be dead before we will get our fingers on him. That is his analysis.
  16. Bump. Has there been any interest from the Bills at all in this guy? I'll be cheering for us to grab him.
  17. And you are cherry picking that data to limit it to large corporations to prove that corporations pay taxes. Using a simple "I don't see you" measure, which even a third-grader knows isn't a valid method of measuring anything? And you are ignoring page 8, where it specifically states that over the 8-year time frame of the study, only 55 percent of US owned corporations reported no tax liability for at least 1 year. The same is try for 72 percent of foreign corporations. 42 percent of US corporations paid no taxes over multiple years.
  18. Well yeah. It lists out the percents per year, and then never gives an average. When averaged together it comes out to around 68%.
  19. GAO report was what I was referring to. I'm sure I've educated at least one of the monkeys here. Anyways this has hit DC Tom land and it's boring. My superior intellect has better things to do than fling poo with you.
  20. Well good. You are a dumb zombie republican. Being a problem to you is a joy and an honour.
  21. I really don't understand what the problem is here. I said that most corporations don't pay taxes to the government. I was correct on that. I said GM GE pays less taxes than you or I do. Perhaps I was wrong. You did however point out that "GE's effective tax rate is reduced". Which shows that my knowledge on the area was at least partially correct. Now what is the problem?
  22. I'm guessing that you are a chef.
  23. I love TBD apologies. They are so indirect. "You are dumb because you linked to news source I don't like" "You are dumb" "You are not wrong, and I'll indirectly confirm your statement was correct" "Democrats suck" ... always have to get a shot in at the Dems, even though I don't care for them at all myself. Democrats suck. Also, Republicans suck, and so does GW Bush.
  24. Very good, I understand. Sorry though, I can't say I have any ideas or thoughts or anything to help on finding you organization or funding you'll need for this sports program. Wish I could help, but I have nothing to offer there. I'll just try not to get in the way again by picking fights that don't need to be picked. Though I will say, the best athlete I've ever known in my life was home-schooled. He did the same, in high school he transferred to public school purely to be able to play sports.
  25. Well at least you understand how things work in this country. Maybe not. .. ok point made, I'll try to leave this thread alone now.
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