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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Rupert Murdoch is a powerful man, as is evidenced by this thread. I'm positive that he would be ecstatic to see you all comparing Obama to socialism and Nazi's, etc. Dance puppet dance.
  2. I know Calderon said "The US should adopt Mexico's immigration laws" in his speech like seven times and all.... I asked you to defend your position against his requests. Try to do it without all the strawmen.
  3. The complaints of you idiots would go over better if you actually addressed some of the stats and points that Calderon brought up. You know, fight information with information - actually counter his arguments with your own. I bet you can't though. .... or you could pump out more intellectual gems such as:
  4. I don't mind Rand Paul. Maddow just ruthlessly grilled him over and over on that topic for 20 minutes, but I think he held up well. He even said at the end "I enjoy being on your show". I think that showed some real character on his part. Far more character than the mindless drones we currently have in Washington. I can't see most of them sitting through such a grilling and coming out with a smile on.
  5. The same person that says you have a functioning nervous system. You are just upset because I crushed you in debate in your own supposed field of expertise.
  6. They clipped the photo. If you zoom out there is a nazi eating dead babies behind the flag. Anyways... Who is to say this story is not completely made up? Do you right wing nutheads not believe in "innocent until proven guilty" anymore? That picture is not even the actual drawing.. it's "similar to the one the student drew".
  7. Don't know a lot about you, only read probably 1/10 of your posts. From what I've seen though I think you have what it takes to lead others and succeed. And don't worry about this board, the loony vocal minority always complain loudly. The sane folks had no disagreement and no reason to fight with your ideas.
  8. http://www.harvardscience.harvard.edu/medi...health-coverage
  9. Those two items had historical precedent. You know, things like data and analysis that are used to backup the claims. You can't backup your claim that Obama will eat babies, because he's never done such a thing.
  10. Hey, more Republican fear mongering. What a surprise!!! BE AFRAID OF THE OBAMANATOR!!111 HE WILL EAT YOUR BABIES!>!>!> This is the fictional world Republicans live in.
  11. I get the feeling that list is going to become the faces of the franchise this season.
  12. It's the exact same argument I've used on this board a million times. Replace geologist with climatologist, and evolution with global warming, and you have my past arguments for anthropomorphic global warming.
  13. I would disagree. I think once your free yourself from the shackles of bronze age mythology, you can think more clearly. But that is ideology, and hard to argue one way or another. Don't get me wrong though, I like Ron Paul. If I ever got the chance I'd strongly consider voting for him.
  14. I could go through this and nitpick and give my effort to demonstrate you are wrong at every turn, but it doesn't matter. Morality has no relation to evolution. Evolution is a factual occurrence regardless of if Stalin was a good or bad man. The theory of evolution is predictive and confirmed by DNA and observance. Evolution has been observed in many species, and even cross species evolution has been observed. Predictive controlled and reproducible experiments in the evolution has been done. You can do this at home and watch evolution after X amount of generations. Evolution can be done in a controlled experiment in your own home. Someone thinking that the earth is less that 7000 years old is offensive to the field of geology. It's does not even take faith to believe in young earth creationism, it takes outright denial of factual information regarding (among other things) rock formation and other geological occurrences.
  15. I think DC Tom doesn't believe much of what he says on here. He just likes to fight and rile people up on here. He'll play the devils advocate and take any side whether or not he believes it. And if he really does believe some of the stuff he says... the guy has the worst case of cognitive dissonance known to man.
  16. Not true. There is and has been a large amount of federal cash used to help pay for cleanup.
  17. I'm sick of drafting for need. It has gotten us nowhere.
  18. its on both the forbes and mother jones links. both have updated with this information.
  19. those are their words, not mine
  20. Because Exxon said "we are not disclosing our true data, and we don't have to" (I know you are not smart enough to know this on your own, so I'll help: that was a paraphrase quote and not actual)
  21. This is the deluded rant of a true conspiracy theorist.
  22. I saw this post on Craigslist. I think it was made just for you. http://saltlakecity.craigslist.org/rnr/1683453330.html
  23. So... is she gay? .... also, are you suggesting this is the first time, or close to the first time any White House has try to push it's agenda on a news organization? It seems likely has been a very common occurrence over history. I think I'm adding another trait to the Republican mindset: -Fear -Lies -Selective Anger
  24. That is not their real tax bill or real financial statement. They apparently are refusing to disclose the real data. But you get on with you bad self, all knowing of **** and what not. Knowing how to read it is irrelevant (even though they did read it correctly - and you are made of retard)
  25. Yes, yes, I know. For when you are too stupid to understand the data: "Your news organization is sucky liberal dumbheads". We did that earlier in the thread. Try arguing with the message sometime, don't shoot the messenger.
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